320. Nox Pirates

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Rose calls The Clown Pirates as her crewmates treat their injuries. Dela picks it up before passing the denden mushi to Buggy.

"What's up?" asks Buggy.

<I'm sorry, Lord Buggy, we lost,> says Rose through the denden mushi.

A tick mark appears on Buggy's forehead because everyone calls him Lord Buggy nowadays. It's because of his new moniker, Clown Lord, that the Marine made after the war against Big Mom. His crewmates were making fun of him by calling him Lord Buggy, and then his subordinates also started to call him Lord Buggy.

What makes him irked is because that Lord Buggy reminds him of why he died in his past life. He died because he hated the jokes about The Lord and Saviour Buggy. So it feels like everyone wants him dead again.

But he can't get angry because everyone like it when he gets angry because of it. "Tell me what happened."

Rose starts to narrate what happened on Foolshout Island. Buggy isn't surprised because he has expected this. Fisher Tiger must've known that his crew isn't a match for Strawberry, so the best thing to do is to run away.

"Well, losing from someone like Strawberry isn't something shameful. He has the strength of a Vic-Admiral, which is comparable to big pirates in the New World. Although I didn't expect him to be this strong. Don't think too much about it and use it as a valuable experience. You all have done great. Now, continue your journey, we are waiting for you in New World," says Buggy.

<We can go to New World?> asks Rose with a surprised tone.

"Of course, I never said I would forbid you from entering New World. I just want you to know that you guys are still weak in this big world. Don't be satisfied yet and keep improving yourselves. Take your time in Paradise to get as much experience as possible," says Buggy.

Rose is touched by Buggy's wise words and says, <Thank you, milord. I promise that we won't betray your expectation and keep getting worthy so that we will be worthy to sail under your flag.>

"Yeah, see you in New World," says Buggy.

<Yes, please tell Big Sis Mantis that we can't wait to meet her again,> says Rose.

"Alright, be safe," replies Buggy before closing the call.

"Learning experience? What a joke. You just used them for your plan," says Dela.

"Hey, it's still a good learning experience for them, so I'm not lying," says Buggy.

"Sigh, whatever," says Dela before they suddenly hear an explosion.

"What happened?" asks Buggy.

Dela doesn't need to answer because Deon suddenly enters the room to report it. "There's a battle ahead, and it's quite interesting. I think you need to see this, Lord. Pfft~."

Deon can't laugh for too long because Buggy's hand has flown toward him and hits his head from above. Buggy then walks over Deon's body while attaching his hand. Dela also follows Buggy stepping on Deon's body which really hurts him because she wears high heels.

"What happened?" asks Buggy.

"It's a stray cannonball. There's a battle of a pirate crew against Marine in front of us," says Cricket as he throws a scope at Buggy.

Buggy uses the scope to see the battle in front of them. "Hoo, Minks, huh? This is interesting."

The pirate crew that fights in front of them is Nox Pirates. It's a crew composed of a few Minks who were searching Poneglyphs. This is the crew that Pedro led with Pekoms and Bepo's brother, Zepo as one of their members. They still look young now.

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