281. Recovered

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4 days passed since the end of the war and Buggy finally woke up. He has fully recovered too, something that defies people's logic. With his injuries, he shouldn't recover this fast normally, but he has fully recovered.

The Wano people are very surprised while the Clowns don't even have any reaction. This is a normal thing for the Clowns because they've known Buggy's recovery speed. He always recovered fast from his injuries so this is not surprising anymore for the Clowns.

After Buggy wakes up, he immediately goes to eat a lot of food. While he eats, Dela gives him a report of what happened in the war and in the last 4 days when he was unconscious. Her report is very detailed, truly a professional secretary.

"So Oden has succeeded at taking over Wano wholly now. What about Orochi & Kaido?" asks Buggy.

"Oden plans to execute Orochi tomorrow. As for Kaido, he wants to leave the decision to you," says Dela.

"Hmm, I'll think about it later. Is there something else that needs my consent?" asks Buggy.

"Yes, it's about 2 children from Beasts Pirates. A girl named Yamato who is Kaido's daughter and a Fishman boy who never said his name," says Dela.

It piqued Buggy's interest so he decides to meet them after he eats. Dela continues her report and Buggy responds accordingly. Cricket has taken care of most things but some things still need his consent.

After he finished eating, Buggy goes to meet Yamato & Little Jack. They are placed in a house located in The Clowns' area. The Clowns have some houses in an area that they use while they stay on Wano and one of them is used for the kids.

Yamato isn't restricted by the Clowns because she is not causing trouble. She still has the explosive handcuff though because The Clowns can't do anything about it. But Little Jack is handcuffed with a seastone cuff that is connected to the wall because he keeps causing trouble and has violent tendencies.

"Why'd she still has the explosive handcuff?" asks Buggy.

"That's because we don't know how to remove it," says Dela.

"Huh? Oden should be able to do it though," says Buggy.

"Are you the one who defeated Kaido? Wow, you look more normal than I thought, except for your nose," says Yamato while looking at Buggy curiously.

"Well, you look more normal too. I thought Kaido's daughter will look more brutal, like that," says Buggy while pointing at Little Jack who thrash around to break free while trash talking.

"Hmph, I don't want to be his daughter too if I can choose. By the way, are you Joy Boy?" asks Yamato.

"Joy Boy? Who's that? Why are you asking?" asks Buggy.

"Well, there is this prophecy that I heard coincidentally. Kaido says that only Joy Boy can defeat him. So you must be Joy Boy because you defeated him," says Yamato.

"Hmm, Kaido also said the same. But I don't think I am Joy Boy or Sad Boy or whatever. That prophecy or whatnot has nothing to do with me. My existence itself has changed the fate and prophecy of this world," says Buggy smugly.

It sounds cringe, but it's true considering Buggy's past. The knowledge of his past life and the actions he took so far will absolutely change the world. He might do small things before but now he did something very big by defeating Kaido.

If the prophecy of Joy Boy included Kaido in it then that means Buggy has changed it too. It might bring a bad result to this world's fate but he doesn't care. If that fate is bad for him, then he will change it himself because he has the power to do it now.

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