329. Another Uproar

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The Clown Pirates' win over the war against Marine causes an uproar. As usual, 'Big News' Morgans sniffs the news of the war faster than anyone. Well, he doesn't really sniff it, he knew a war would happen between Clown Pirates and Marine, so he sent some spies to see it.

His spies followed Clown Pirates' movements since the news of their attempt to reach Lodestar Island spread. Morgans knew the Marine won't let them be and would try to stop them. He just didn't know when, so he sent his spies to follow Clown Pirates from afar.

Buggy also knew that some people followed his crew. But he ignored them because they didn't threaten his crew. Also, it will be better if the news spread as fast as possible so that the WG won't be able to hide it.

"That bird really knows how to make things more interesting," says Buggy while reading the headline news.

[The True Emperor: Downfall of Marine]

Below that title is a picture of Buggy who has some blood on his head standing among the defeated Marine officers who float on the ice blocks while stepping on Sakazuki's dead head. It's a badass picture, but it makes everyone wonders how the cameraman took it.

Just the picture alone has shaken the world because not only Buggy killed a Vice-Admiral who is expected to be an Admiral in a few years, there were also Garp, Sengoku, Tsuru, Kuzan, & Borsalino there. But none of them could stop Buggy from killing Sakazuki.

It surely makes everyone speechless because Garp and Sengoku are the strongest pillars of Marine. They also have fought against Roger, Whitebeard, and other big names for years. But they couldn't even stop a young man from destroying their fleet alone.

The narration below the picture is also quite provocating, typical of Morgans. He really knows how to make things bigger. This is already big though, so he just made the news more provocative.

The news starts with the narration of what happened before and throughout the war before Sengoku appeared. Then it explains how Sengoku appeared and change the war. The change is not the one that the Marine expected though.

They thought that they will be able to suppress Clown Pirates easier with Sengoku there. But, what happened was the opposite. With more pressure, Buggy finally showed a shocking power that he had never shown before.

He cut Sengoku in half very easily before blocking Garp's attack. Garp also got defeated and got his right arm severed by Buggy's abilities. He defeated 2 of the strongest Marines in a short time, which also signaled Marine's defeat in that war.

Morgans then added a provocation, saying that Buggy might be the Strongest Man in the World right now, replacing Whitebeard. He wrote it because Buggy could defeat Garp, Sengoku, Tsuru, 3 other Vice-Admirals, and their fleet by himself, something that Whitebeard hasn't done.

Well, it is just speculation because no one really knows Whitebeard's full power. He prefers avoiding fights against Marine and there aren't many people who can make him show his true power. The last time he used his full power was in his battle against Roger years ago.

But Morgan's words also have some truth in them because Whitebeard never defeated Sengoku & Garp alone at the same time. Although those with good brains know that Morgans just want to provoke Buggy & Whitebeard into a fight for the title of Strongest Man in the world.

Other than that provocation, he also critiques the WG for being powerless against a man. The Warlord system that they've just made seems to be useless too. They made that system to keep the balance, but they didn't even dare to send the new Warlords to stop Clown Pirates.

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