362. Flying Dutchman

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Buggy, Cricket, & Mantis go to Grandline by crossing Calm Belt. They go to Sabaody first to pick up most of their crewmates that have waited there. The crew is enjoying their reunion after a year, but the only executive on there is Dela, the others have gone directly to their main base.

They leave after their ship gets coated by Rayleigh for 3 days. Buggy has talked with both Rayleigh & Shakky in those 3 days. They talked about many things including Shanks's arrival a few months ago, so the Red Hair Pirates are already in New World now.

Buggy doesn't think much about it and just continues his way to New World. The Clown Pirates go to Fishman Island without making any trouble on Sabaody. They were just disciplining some newbies, that's all.

On their way to Fishman Island, they meet a rather interesting thing. They meet the legendary ghost ship, Flying Dutchman. None of them are scared though because they've met many more absurd things, and they've seen Brook's ghost ship in the past.

"Ooh, the design is good. It can be a good collection for our Clownland," comments a nurse girl.

Everyone looks at her and makes her look back at them confusedly, "What?"

"You know, that's actually a very good idea," says Buggy while grinning widely, followed by everyone else's evil laughs.

"Yeah, we can give it as a surprise souvenir for our shipwrights," says Cricket while grinning too.

The boys are laughing creepily, making the girls sigh.

"Cricket," says Buggy while looking at Cricket with mischievous eyes.

"Say no more," replies Cricket while also grinning mischievously.

The Flying Dutchman gets closer to the Black Pearl. Buggy knows that Vander Decken whatever wants to rob them. The pedophile Fishman just doesn't know who he is trying to mess with right now.

Decken still hasn't had the massive Fishman Wadatsumi and the big-lamp fish Ankoro as his crewmates. But The Clown Pirates can feel a lot of presence in that ship. Decken must've had a lot of crewmates right now as there are tens of individuals on that ship.

Both ships are side-by-side now and suddenly tens of Fishmen come out of the Flying Dutchman and surround the Black Pearl. They are holding weapons made of deep-sea materials. The Fishmen look threatening, but the Clowns just look at them amusedly.

"Bahohoho, you're very unlucky, humans. This will be your last day because you've met me, Vander Decken IX, and my Flying Pirates, Bahohoho," says Decken like a maniac. He is already using an air bubble because he has eaten his devil fruit.

"Well, this is obviously our last day meeting you even though it's the first time we meet too, strange Fishman," says Buggy.

"Bahohoho, it seems you understand that your fate has been sealed, strange red nose," says Decken.

Buggy raises an eyebrow and says, "I think you don't understand what I said. Well, doesn't matter. Lads, get them!"

After Buggy gave his order, all the boys immediately take their guns out and aim them at the Fishmen.

"Bye-bye, water swimmers. Bang!" says Buggy while waving his hand with a grin.


Many rounds of shots are released by the Clown Pirates. Even if not everyone is a real gunner, they all can use guns quite well. So, shooting the Fishmen who swim quite close to their ship is not that difficult.

The Fishmen who underestimate them get shot many times. None of the Clowns' weapons are normal, they all are very deadly. These weapons' power won't reduce too much even underwater, so the Fishmen really get a lot of damage.

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