228. Talk With Oden

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Oden asks Buggy his reason for coming to Wano Country. Buggy thinks that it's time to tell Oden about his intention to come here.

"Let's talk in my office. We can't have a serious talk here or it will ruin this party atmosphere," says Buggy.

Oden looks around and says, "Certainly. This is not a place to talk seriously."

Buggy then leads Oden to the Captain's room and asks Cricket to take care of the party. He also asks Palu to not let anyone come to his office. Then he enters the room with Oden and they sit face to face.

"Oden, I want you to listen first until I finish. Don't cut off my talk, alright?" asks Buggy.

"Sure," replies Oden.

"Well, actually, I come here for Beasts Pirates," says Buggy.

Oden suddenly stands up but Buggy extends his hand to stop Oden.

"I told you to let me finish first," says Buggy.

Oden grits his teeth and sits on his chair again.

"I know that news from the outside world didn't enter Wano and so is the opposite. That's why I will tell you everything from the start," says Buggy.

Buggy then tells Oden the story that he has prepared. It's not a fully made-up story, but just a real story that he changed a little to convince Oden.

"A few months ago, my crew finally arrived in New World. Eventually, we arrived on an island that get conquered by Beasts Pirates. They tried to make us their subordinate crew but of course, I refused. It led to a war and we defeated their unit that was stationed there," says Buggy.

Oden still listens, so Buggy continues, "But that won't be the end of it. Defeating a Beasts Pirates unit means we are challenging Beasts Pirates. You know how things work in New World for Pirate Crews. It's either you join strong crews or challenge them."

"You don't want to join anyone, aren't you?" asks Oden.

Buggy smirks and nods, "That's right. Submission isn't my thing and that's not what I learned from Captain Roger. That's why now we are in a war with Beasts Pirates. We've been attacking their units one by one because we don't have a high number like them. We used the hit & run tactic in these few months and have succeeded."

Oden gets surprised and wants to say something but Buggy resumes his talk. "However, we found a surprising thing when we attacked them. It is the location of their main force that we have searched since the beginning. I never know that Kaido is in Wano."

Buggy is lying but also not at the same time. It's because when Oden was in Roger Pirates, he didn't know that Beasts Pirates were working with Orochi. So Buggy shouldn't know it. He only knows it because he came from another world.

"I thought that it's strange for them to stay in Wano even though you are here, so I have some assumptions. It's either they conquered Wano after defeating you, or you join them and work together with them. Based on your answer, we might become enemies, Oden," says Buggy with a serious expression.

Again, this is just a lie that Buggy made to show that he doesn't know anything. Oden seems to believe it because he suddenly hits & breaks the table between them.

"Please don't look down on me, Buggyjiro. There is no way I will join and work together with that bastard," says Oden angrily.

"Well, sorry if that pissed you off, but I don't know anything that happened on Wano," says Buggy.

Oden finally realizes it and he holds his head, "You're right, we are a closed country, after all. Sorry about that, Buggyjiro."

"Don't mind it, it's just a table. Anyway, can you tell me what happened? It's fine if you don't want to," says Buggy.

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