242. Disease

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After dueling with grasses as swords, Oden keeps asking Buggy to duel again every day. Buggy welcomes it because he can train with a very strong swordsman every day. He can train his swordsmanship and Haki at the same time through the duels with Oden.

He also uses his devil fruit abilities but not excessively. Buggy just uses his devil fruit as support in his duels with Oden and trains it alone when he's not in a duel. Still, he gets some ideas of his devil fruit abilities usage in his duels, so the duels are very helpful.

Everyone else is also dueling on their own after they see Buggy's duel against Oden. They are very motivated to have duels so that they can get stronger. The samurais have understood that the Clowns taunted them to make them fight seriously so that they can get stronger for the war.

Kanjuro also has realized it but it's too late already. His relationship with Orochi has become very bad now with Deon's interference. Orochi's trust in him is very low now and Kanjuro can't do anything about it.

Deon has manipulated all their interactions in these few days. The Clowns also use this chance to reduce the enemy's force. Buggy ordered Deon to make Orochi sends Oniwabanshu's ninjas daily to investigate but then the Clowns will capture them.

It will reduce the enemy's number a little, but of course, it will raise suspicion. However, they have a perfect scapegoat, Kanjuro. They kept making it so that Kanjuro would be suspected to be the one who revealed the ninjas' locations.

The Clowns have purposedly set up something in one of these days so that Kanjuro would be the one who discovered them. Then everyone around him attacked the ninjas but the Clowns purposedly let 2 people leave.

The escaped ninjas then told Orochi that Kanjuro was the one who revealed their locations. It made Orochi's trust in Kanjuro plummet and his suspicion disappeared. Now, Orochi never sends any message to Kanjuro and orders all Kanjuro's messages to be destroyed.

All of this makes the Clowns very happy because their opponents are actually fools. If they think about it more carefully, they will realize that they are being manipulated. But they are too arrogant to even think that there are spies among them.

The matter of Orochi's relationship with Kanjuro has been settled. But Buggy still has a plan for Kanjuro through Brook's help. Brook still duels with Kanjuro every day because Kanjuro keeps asking him for duels.

The guy doesn't have another choice because the other Red Scabbards & even Oden say they all will keep sparring with the Clowns to raise their strength. Orochi might have abandoned him, but he still needs to act or he will get killed if they know he is a Kurozumi.

Buggy used that to his advantage and ordered Brook to keep damaging Kanjuro's soul. The damage to his soul weakens Kanjuro a lot and it keeps accumulating. Then after dueling for more than a week, Kanjuro finally reaches his limit.

He doesn't die yet, though, just becomes very ill as the side effect of getting his soul damaged. But no one suspect Brook and the Clowns at all because Kanjuro's illness symptoms are very normal actually.

"I don't know why he is suffering this much, it is just a fever, and it's not even a very high fever. I'm sorry, but I am very confused right now. This is something that I've never seen nor learned. I'm sorry for my incompetence," says a doctor from Wano after he examined Kanjuro.

Kanjuro lays on the futon while breathing hard because of his fever. He is still conscious but he can't even do anything because he is very weak right now.

"Even you, the best doctor in Kuri can't do anything about it?" asks Kin'emon rather angrily.

"Enough, Kin'emon! This is not his fault. Even he has things that he doesn't know. This is why opening our border is very important. There will be many benefits including knowledge," says Oden.

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