308. Stopping Big Mom

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Big Mom Pirates have reached The Clown Pirates' current base island. The Clowns' subordinates pirate crews & Caribbean are trying to hold Big Mom Pirates. But if The Clown Pirates don't come soon, they will be done for.

Their opponents are Big Mom Pirates, after all, and Big Mom herself has come personally. No one there has enough power to handle Big Mom. Only Buggy can, so they all hope he comes fast before they die.

"Hold them back as long as you can, but don't die! Great Captain will come soon with the main crew," shouts a subordinate crew Captain.

"That's too much, Captain. Our opponent is Big Mom, you know," says a member while loading a cannon.

"I don't care if it's too much or not. If we can't get through this, we won't survive in New World anyway. So get your shit together and stay alive!" shouts the Captain.

They all try hard to attack Big Mom Pirates, but Big Mom's children can stop all their attacks pretty easily. It makes their morales drop slowly and many even think it will be their last day. But none of them even think of running away because they all believe that Buggy will come to save them.

Suddenly, one of Big Mom's ships explodes and then Katakuri spreads his mochi on the side of the next ship right when the 1st ship explodes. He covers the wide mochi with Armament Haki and then something hits it. The ship gets pushed and hits the ships beside it until they stop after moving some hundreds of meters.

Then, a big pointy bullet that has some lightning zaps on it falls to the sea from the mochi. Then everyone looks in the direction where the bullet came from. They all see The Black Pearl moving very fast toward them. Buggy answers his subordinates' expectations and comes right before they get too many casualties.

The Black Pearl arrives on the naval battlefield in just a minute even though it was quite far before. Everyone looks at the Black Pearl and the man standing on its head. A very displeased expression can be seen on Buggy's face right now as he looks at Big Mom on her main ship.

"It's been a long time, Big Mom," says Buggy.

Big Mom smirks and laughs, "Mammamamma~, you finally show up, brat from Roger Pirates. I have a business with you."

"So this is how you do business. No wonder it never blooms," says Buggy.

"Hah, I need to show my power, so that you'll agree to do this business," says Big Mom.

Buggy unsheaths one of his swords slowly and says, "I don't know about agreeing to the business proposal. But I'm sure won't agree to let you go after attacking my base and killing my men. I didn't get this position by negotiation," says Buggy while pointing his sword at Big Mom.

Big Mom grins and says, "You think defeating Kaido makes you so great, huh? I will think that you are great if you defeat the Kaido of 10 years later. But in my eyes, he is just your average strong pirate. He isn't that strong yet compared to me, not to mention that old man."

Buggy knows this very well, but that's why he targetted Kaido first. Not only Kaido would kill Oden and destroy Wano if he isn't stopped, he would be a more troublesome opponent as he grows stronger and reaches his peak power.

"So what? He was a good stepping stone for me. You too," says Buggy while raising his sword.

"Mammamamma~, you are one cheeky brat," says Big Mom as she transforms her hat into a sword, it's Napoleon.

Big Mom makes the first move and swings her sword diagonally toward Buggy. Buggy also swings his sword, but nothing comes out of it, while a big slashing energy comes out of Napoleon. Many people think that Buggy messes up, but the strong ones know that isn't possible, though they don't know what happens either.

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