334. Planning

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After exploring the island for hours, the Clown Pirates return to their ship. A day isn't enough to explore this island completely though as it's big. A medium-sized island like this is enough to build a Kingdom as big as Dressrosa, after all.

Everyone returns to the ship and shares the information they get. Most of them found the gigantic creatures and ruins of the ancient civilization. They also found some treasures like Enel, but only he found the giant worm.

"Hmm, it seems there are many of those giant creatures deeper in the forest. They all also seem strong and they don't just live on the ground. They also live in the sky and even underground," says Buggy.

"What should we do about them?" asks Deon.

"What do you mean what should we do? They are our food supplies, so we will hunt them," says Enel while grinning.

"You just want to find treasures in their bodies just like that worm," says Magnus.

Enel clicks his tongue because he gets exposed immediately.

"If we plan to make them our food supplies, then we need to hunt them responsibly. No one wants to run out of food while being trapped on this kind of island, right?" asks Mantis.

Everyone nods and Buggy says, "Then only kill them when we need their meat. When we still have meat, we will just use them as our sparring partners. You all know that they are stronger than any animal we've ever seen. Even pirates with bounties higher than 100 million might not be able to win against those creatures. So they are perfect partners for our training in these 6 months. Don't get killed and don't kill them unless it's necessary."

"Sounds good, that means we'll hunt tomorrow, right?" asks Enel excitedly.

"Unfortunately no, we will explore the island again. Our focus right now is exploring the whole island first before we do other things," says Buggy.

"What? But we need food, right?" asks Enel.

"We still have a lot of supplies, and the worm meat that you killed is edible. In fact, it is one of the best meat that I've ever tasted," says Mantis happily.

Ruff has a dark face and asks, "Really? Worm meat? We'll eat a worm?"

"Can't be picky with our food, mate. We need to eat anything that can be eaten to survive in a place like this. Also, you know that we can't waste food. Someone really hates it, after all," says Cricket while smirking.

Ruff gulps when he hears that and he looks at Mantis who stares dagger at him. As a cook, she really hates wasting food, and she will discipline those who waste food. That's why she always serves small portions so everyone can finish them, then those who still want more can ask.

Now that she knows the worm meat is edible, she won't waste it. Ruff can only accept being served worm meat for the meal from now on. But Mantis isn't that heartless, so she will serve the normal meat in their remaining supplies for those who can't eat the worm.

"Well, food aside, we also found something else. Palu, you've checked the wood, right?" asks Buggy.

"Of course, that's the first thing I did," says Palu excitedly.

"The wood? What's with the wood?" asks Brook confusedly, followed by the others' confused gaze.

"The wood here is very hard, harder than almost every wood. Maybe only Adam wood is harder than it. I've tried to hit the tree with my strongest attack, but I couldn't break it completely. I could only break around 3 meters of the wood," says Palu.

Now everyone widens their eyes in surprise. They know Palu's strength, he is the 3rd strongest in the crew, after all. So the fact that he could only do that much damage is surprising. Someone who could level a mountain with some hits couldn't even break a tree.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 2Where stories live. Discover now