223. Ruined Image

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Mihawk's last attack cuts Buggy in half but it doesn't kill him because he splits his body. It makes Mihawk's eyes widen & his jaw drops in shock. His surprised expression really ruins his usual cool image.

"Hahaha, I lost. As I thought, my swordsmanship is still far below yours," says Buggy as he attaches his body again.

"...So this is your devil fruit ability, huh? I've heard that you are a devil fruit user, but I don't know your ability," says Mihawk after calming himself.

"Yeah, this is my ability. I can split every part of my body like this," says Buggy as he splits his left arm into some parts.

Mihawk looks at it for a moment before saying, "Doesn't that make you immune to sharp weapons?"

Buggy grins and says, "That's right."

Mihawk sighs and says, "Then you are a swordsman's worst enemy. But why didn't you use it before?"

"It's because we are dueling as swordsmen so I only used my swordsmanship. If it's a free battle, then I will use everything I have even dirty tricks," says Buggy.

Mihawk smiles and says, "Well, thank you for just using your swordsmanship in our duel."

"That's obvious. I am still a swordsman and have the pride of being one. Even if my swordsmanship isn't as good as yours yet, I still won't taint my pride," says Buggy.

"I appreciate that. Then, I guess we'll part ways now. I'm sure you have another thing to do, so see you in the future," says Mihawk as he turns around to leave.

But suddenly, Buggy's hand grabs Mihawk's shoulder and stops him.

"Come on, Hawk-Eyes, why are you in a rush to leave like that. It's a rare chance for us to meet, so let's enjoy our time," says Buggy.

Mihawk has a serious expression and asks, "How will we do it?"

Buggy grins and looks at his crew before shouting, "LET'S THROW A PARTY AS WE LEAVE THIS ISLAND!"

The Clowns cheer happily and immediately scatter to prepare for the party. Mihawk immediately has a tired expression and sighs deeply. He gets reminded of what Shanks did after their duel, it's the same as what Buggy does, throwing a party.

He wants to refuse but Buggy's detached hand is holding his shoulder very tightly. Now he can't run away so he finally agrees to join them. They all cheer and immediately throw a big party on their ship.

The Clowns plus Mihawk leave the island after they take Mihawk's boat to another coast. They throw a big party not just because they met Mihawk, but also for their success in destroying Kaido's business in Breeze Island and selling all the resources they got there.

Mihawk can only smile seeing the Clowns are singing & dancing happily even with him here. He has just fought with their Captain and even defeat Buggy, but they don't seem to mind it. But he doesn't mind it and actually enjoys being with people like them.

"There's no eternal enemy in our world," says Mihawk so suddenly.

"Huh? What did you say, Hawk-Eyes?" asks the drunk Buggy.

Mihawk just smirks and says, "Nothing. I'm just impressed at how lively you guys are."

"Of course, we are lively. We need to enjoy every moment in our lives. No one knows what will happen tomorrow so we need to enjoy our lives while we can," says Buggy.

"Yeah, you're right," says Mihawk while smiling.

The party continues for hours with a full music performance by Brook's music team. Then after the party finished, Mihawk leaves on his own boat. The Clowns wave their hands happily as Mihawk leaves as if they are friends already.

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