224. Raids Progress

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Some days after they left Broc Coli Island, the Clowns finally reach their destination. It's another island conquered by Beasts Pirates. But this island doesn't have resources, they just collect taxes from here.

As usual, Deon goes first to gather information then he sends it to Buggy. They make the strategy based on the information that Deon gathered. Then they attack the island with an executive leading the raid unit.

Now, it's Mantis who led the unit because the leader of the Beasts Pirates unit on this island is quite strong. It's just like what they've predicted, after all. The Beasts Pirates have raised their guards on their territories.

But they don't raise it well enough and the Clowns still can handle it. Well, with Oden's group being a threat in Wano, their main force just can't leave the island. Kaido is stuck there and he can only send one of the All-Stars if it's really needed.

This situation is in The Clowns' favor because they won't have any impossible battles in their raids. But they still need to be careful and not become overconfident. They can dig their own graves if they are too arrogant, after all.

This raid is also a success even with more than 2000 enemies. All executives except Buggy, Cricket, and Palu fight in this raid. It's because the enemies are too strong for their normal members, so they need to join and they succeed.

After the raid, they also get support from the locals just like in Coke Island. They even get 6 new members from a resistance group on this island. These people have fought with Beasts Pirates since the island got conquered.

There are 4 men and 2 women who join the crew. Actually, there are 7 more people who want to join, but they don't have sufficient strength for the Clowns' plan. So they can't join because they will just die and become burdens.

Then the Clowns move to the next island but they get a call from Coke Island on their way. Beasts Pirates have come to Coke Island again so The Clowns change their direction to Coke Island. They can't let the Beasts Pirates take Coke Island again and get its resources.

From the information, the Beasts Pirates unit that got sent to Coke Island is strong. So the Clowns prepare to use all they have in this raid. They train hard on their way there to get stronger even if it's just a little.

They arrive in a few days and just like usual, Deon moves first. His infiltration skill has improved a lot after doing these raids. Using his chameleon's camouflaging ability, Deon can move undetected so far.

Now, Deon can even mimic other people, similar to Bonclay's Clone Clone Fruit ability. But he has a limitation on his mimic ability. He can only mimic people who have a similar build to him because he can't alter his body proportion.

Still, it's useful enough because he has normal body proportion. So, there are many people who have a similar build to him. He just needs to find someone like that and mimic that person to make his infiltration easier.

On Coke Island, the new Beasts Pirates unit is stronger than the one stationed here before. They also have a higher number than before. Now, there are 1500 Beasts Pirates members on Coke Island and they all are stronger than the ones stationed here before.

Palu leads the raid this time and the executives except for Buggy, Cricket, Mantis, & Enel join the raid. But as the raid goes on, the enemies are shown to be stronger than they thought. So Buggy sends Enel to help because he doesn't want any of his crewmates to die.

After fighting for 2 hours, the raid finally finishes with their success again. Many men get injured quite badly, but Manba can treat them. His medical skill is very good now and it has saved their men from death a few times.

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