237. Working on It

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After Buggy gave his order, the Clowns leave the ship to challenge the samurais. Of course, the ones who are on guard duty can't leave. It includes Enel who will guard the ship today. He is very pissed because he can't fight and need to stay on the ship.

While Enel is pissed, Magnus is very excited because he finally can fight. He has stayed on the ship for a few days and it is suffocating. As a giant, Magnus can't just go around as he pleases because he might scare people.

Now, he can finally go to Kuri and even fights some samurais. The people in Kuri have heard about him so they won't be too surprised. Some samurais even want to fight him because they have never fought a giant before.

But they've lost miserably to the Clowns before and Magnus didn't even join. So now, some of the samurais who want to fight Magnus become unsure and cancel their plan to fight him. Only a few still want to fight Magnus even after getting beaten by the Clowns.

Just as Magnus enters the town, these people immediately come to meet him. He doesn't even need to challenge them because they are the ones who challenge him. These people also want to prove that samurais aren't weak by fighting Magnus.

Magnus accepts their challenges but he'll only do it after he walks around the town. He also asks them to find a wide place for the fight because he needs a wide place to move around with his giant size. They agree and then Magnus 2alk around the town while they prepare the location.

As that happens, the other Clowns have started to fight after challenging any samurai they met. It's easy for them to make the samurais accept their challenges. They just need to taunt them with insults and no samurai will refuse.

As pirates, the Clowns are really good at insulting people. Well, not every pirate is good at insulting others, but the Clowns are really good at it because they've learned it. Insulting others is useful to taunt their enemies sometime, so they learn it, and apply it in battles.

Fights between pirates and samurais spread all over Kuri. Of course, the news reaches Oden & the Red Scabbards. They are very confused why the Clowns do this so suddenly after being silent for 2 days.

Suddenly, Kanjuro says, "This is an insult. They must be trying to show us that we are weak through these duels, just like what they did in the sparring match. I hear they insulted our people, that's why the duels started. They just won through dirty tricks, but they think it's their real power."

Kanjuro says that to provoke the Red Scabbards while appearing concerned. He wants to make their relationship with the pirates gets worse. Good for him, the other Red Scabbards agree with him, and they are angry.

Only Oden stays calm and doesn't get provoked. It is but a small matter, after all, and Buggy has told him that this will happen. Buggy also told him that if the 9 Red Scabbards are angry, he needs to let them be.

Buggy will give Oden an explanation after the Red Scabbards leave, so Oden doesn't say anything now. When the 9 Red Scabbards ask him for leave to settle this matter. He allows them just like what Buggy asked him.

The 9 Red Scabbards leave the room and go to find any duel. They want to stop these duels and make the Clowns return to their ship. These duels will just disturb the people, at least that's what they think.

But before they can find the duels, they are stopped by the Clowns executives that have waited for them near Oden's residence. Magnus is also there after defeating the samurais who challenged him.

Still, even with Magnus, they only have 7 people because Enel is on the ship, Ruff won't fight, and Deon is on a mission. The Red Scabbards now don't have any choice except to fight the executives if they want to go through.

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