333. Trap

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While Buggy & Palu are excited about the wood, someone else is excited about another thing. Enel finds a broken treasure chest covered by grass that grows tall around it. Magnus who comes across him tells him that he should be careful of the treasure chest.

"What do you mean dangerous? It's just a broken chest with some pieces of treasures in it," says Enel.

"There might be something dangerous hidden among the treasures. I once found a stack of fruits in a forest on an uninhabited island. But when I tried to take some, a snake came out and bite me. The snake has an apple on its head which it used to lure its prey. Luckily the snake was very small and its venom was weak, so I was fine," says Magnus while recalling his unlucky experience.

Enel's expression turns blank and he ignores Magnus. The other team members also seem unimpressed by his story. They all focus on Enel who is approaching the treasures now.

"Yahaha, we have just getting started, but we've found treasures," says Enel gleefully.

"Maybe there are more treasures around this island," says a man in Enel's group.

"Yeah, the ancient civilization might have left many treasures like these," says a woman in Enel's group.

"It's quite strange that the treasures are in the forest instead of the ruins though," says a woman in Magnus's group.

"No, it makes sense actually, they must've hid it in the forest for safety," says Enel while crouching in front of the treasures.

The others now think the same and some people follow Enel to look at the treasures.

Enel picks some before he calls Magnus, "Big boy, why don't yo-."

Before Enel can finish the sentence, the ground below him suddenly collapses. Then a gigantic round mouth with a lot of giant fangs appears. Enel & the ones who were looking at the treasures fall into the mouth and get eaten.

The others get surprised and Magnus says, "I told you to be careful. Sigh~."

There's no look of worry on Magnus's face and the others'. They are surprised, but none of them are worried for their crewmates' safety. There's no reason to be worried with Enel there, after all.

They all just take some steps back after Magnus gives the order. Right when they step back, a massive lightning pillar appears from the big hole. It disappears after half a minute, and only then do Magnus & the others peek at the hole.

Enel flies out of the hole while cursing at the thing that ate him angrily. Then the others also come out by climbing the wall. They seem quite terrified and their hair also seems to get burnt. The thing that terrified them wasn't getting eaten, it was Enel's lightning that almost killed them.

"Team leader Enel, you almost killed us. You should just hit that thing, not your crewmates too," protests a man.

Enel answers pissedly, "Shut up! Just be glad that you are still alive. Don't whine just because of a small hit. AND STOP LAUGHING MAGNUS, YOU BASTARD!"

Magnus who tries to hold his laugh finally burst out and laughs out loud. "GAHAHAHA, I've told you to be careful, but you didn't listen."


"Well, that's true, but the concept of carefulness is the same. Anyway, what was that thing? It was under you, but you didn't feel its presence," says Magnus.

"No, I felt presences before. But I thought that there were many underground creatures in the forest. I didn't expect it to be a gigantic thing like that," says Enel.

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