Chapter 5

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"No! You're a jerk! You're conceited! You don't care at all about me. I'm done." I start to walk away but he puts a hand on my arm and turns me around to face him.

Char looks at me, regret clear on his face. He's a good actor, I'll give him that. "Please listen-"

"No, I'm sick of your excuses." I can't help but feel like all of this is slightly real. Once we 'break up' I won't have any contact with Charles Cumberland again. That's how it works. That's why I refuse to put my guard down.

I'm a fighter not a love sick puppy. I'm not going to miss him.

"So, you're going to leave me for him?!" His eyes start to water and I realize he's trying to make himself cry. He's silently asking me to yell at him, get him going.

"Charles, you don't get it! You do nice things for people because it will make you look good! That's it! I convinced myself things would get better because that's how I am. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and I'm sick of playing your games!"

Tears starts streaming down his face and I take a step back.

"I'm sorry." He pleads. "I'll try harder." The paps are loving this and I shove him away.

"Stay away from me Char. We're over."

Cameras start flashing even more as people follow me throwing questions in my face until I feel slightly claustrophobic. I might as well settle the deal.

"Blake, are you and Charles really over?"

"Yes, we're done for good." I say quietly trying to seem upset.

"Blake! Blake! You said you were leaving for someone else. Who is that?" Crap.

"Someone that will hopefully respect me more than he did. No more questions." They all continue to tell at me while I rush into the huge management tower.

My phone starts ringing and it takes me a second to recognize that it's my phone.

One direction fills the elevator and I chuckle to myself. That's what they were doing with my phone. I look at the caller ID and it says, Louis Carrot Styles. Harry's last name. Nice touch.

I answer. "Hello Mr.Styles."

"Hello. Ms. I don't know your last name." I roll my eyes.


"You're funny. Ms. Shelton." I sigh.

"No, sheldon. My parents thought it would be funny."

"It is." I hear his chuckles through the phone.

"Is there a reason you called?"

"Well, I saw you broke up with your boyfriend. That's all everyone is talking about on Twitter. Is everything okay?" I can tell he's genuinely worried.

Before I can answer I hear two other voices.

"Lou, we're here." This is probably Liam, maybe Zayn.

"Who are you talking to?" This is no doubt Harry.


"Well, tell her." Liam seems rushed.

"Right. Well, we have a meeting with management and then we were wondering if we could take you out for coffee?" A smacking noise is heard and Louis yells a barely audible ow. "I mean, we may or not be getting coffee." He's panicking. What happened? "Harry didn't talk about you!" He hangs up and I laugh at them.

They're hilarious.

Le phone rings again.

This time the caller ID says Sexy Styles.

Good grief.


"Hi Blake."

"Hi Harry."

"Um... Well, I'll pick you up later, yeah?" His nervousness is cute and his accent still makes me want to melt.

A lady enters the room and motions me in.

I can hear Liam telling him to get off I the phone.

"Yeah, we'll work something out. I've got to go. See you later?"

"Bye love." I find an involuntary smile make its way to my lips and I put my hand over my mouth

What is happening to me?


Okay, so sorry this is short. But I'm planning to have another chapter up today. :) love you!

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