Chapter 93

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Chapter 93

"Get in the pool!" Harry yells, faking anger but smiling and squinting with the sun in his eyes. 

"No. It's cold." I close my eyes and rest my head back against the pool chair. 

"Chicken!" Niall yells. 

I ignore him and listen to the boys mess around in the water. 

Zayn and Perrie finally got back together and Zayn stayed in England to see her but the rest of the boys came down with Harry. We're all staying at my moms place until tour starts back up. 

I feel a cold drip on my leg and I jump. 

"What the heck Louis?" He's standing over me, dripping. 

"Remember when you would pick favorites?" 

I'm not sure where this is going. "Well, the last time you did I was your favorite-"

"I don't know Lou. Harry might have you beat." He curses under his breath and Harry jumps up in the water. "Yes!" 

"He wants to make you get in the pool." Liam calls from inside the water. 

"Sorry Lou. I don't think I'm getting in today." 

"But you didn't get in yesterday either." He complains and mopes around my chair. 

"Come on babe. Just for a bit." Harry says hopefully convincing me. 

I shake my head. "No." 

"Why not?" 

I don't say anything. 

Why doesn't he get it? 

"Because  I don't want to." I say vaguely. 

"You already have your suit on." I look down at the big shirt I have on over my suit. 

It covers my stomach and I shake my head. 

Louis gets fed up with that. He tries to pick me up and chuck me in the pool but I struggle against him. "No, Lou! No!" I get out of his grasp and stand next to him, the shirt partially sticking to me. 

"You're already wet." He says and I look at Harry for help. He gets out of the pool. 

"I'm going to take a break. I'll be back in a second." He takes my hand and pulls me inside. 

"Use protection!" They call after me and Harry chuckles. 

"So immature." 

We enter the house and Harry puts his hands onto my arms. 

"What's going on? Why won't you get in the pool?" I look down and mumble something. "I can't hear you love."

"I said I don't want them to see me." He furrows his eyebrows. 

"What do you mean?" I lift up my shirt to reveal all of the scars on my stomach. 

He sets one of his huge hands over them and it covers all of them. "Blake, they are your best friends. They know, and I'm sorry you didn't get to tell them yourself. I really am. That was your decision to make but they know how strong you are and they aren't going to judge you. Don't let that hold you back from having fun. Okay?" 

"But what if-" 

"No, stop it. I'll be there the entire time." He takes the edge of the shirt in his hands but I grab them before he can pull it up. 

"There's something else I have to tell you." 


"I got another tattoo. On my back." He lifts the shirt off and sets it aside. 

I immediately feel self conscious. 

"Stop it. You're gorgeous." He says kissing my cheek and going behind me. 

"I like it. Very colorful. Not what I would expect from you."

"That's why I got it. I need to loosen up a bit." He chuckles and I feel him lift me off the ground and I'm put over his shoulder. 

I squeal. 


"You're right! You do need to loosen up." He carries me out the door and I hold around his waist upside down. 

"Hey! Look! Haz finally got the ice princess out of her cave." 

"Not funny Li!" I shout back at him. 

"Ready?" Harry asks me. 

"No. Wait. Harry..." 

And I'm submerged in water. 

Freezing water. 

I come up and gasp for breath only to be covered in water again when Harry jumps in next to me. 

I start to shiver involuntarily as the water is in the shade and it's extremely cold. 

"Aww. look. Whittle Bwake is cold." Louis pouts and I jump on his head. 

"You got a tattoo!" Niall yells and I'm yanked backwards by the arms closer so Niall can look. 

"Yes Nialler. I did." 

"It looks awesome! All splatterly." 


"What's that on your stomach?" He questions when I turn around. 

I immediately find Harry's eyes and he reaches out to me. 

I dive under water and come up next to Harry where he envelopes me in a hug. "You're okay. You're okay." He reassures me. 

"This is what I was worried about." I whisper. 

"What did I say?" Niall asks worriedly. 

"Nothing Niall. Nothing." Harry tells him. "Blake, do you want to tell them?" He asks me like a child. 

"No." I whisper. 


"When I was you-" 

"Speak up love. They can't hear you." 

"When I was younger I dated a guy and when I wanted to break it off he didn't take it so well. These are the words he wanted me to remember. He told me that I wouldn't forget him and when I talked back about how I would get away he would tie me up and prove it to me. I haven't forgotten. That's why I didn't want to get in the pool Louis."

Harry's comforting arm leaves and I look up I see him holding back tears. 

"Are you crying?" I ask him, slightly amused. "Over me?" 

He just hugs me. 

I escape the hug and look at the other three boys. Niall is speechless, and Louis just looks down at the water. Liam's in tears as well and I just wade over and hug him. 

"But I'm okay now. I'm stronger and I can protect myself." 

"And you've got five protectors." Louis says after Liam releases me. 

"Yeah. Five protectors. We'll guard you." Niall joins in from his silent spell. 

"So you don't have to be Guarded anymore." Harry tells me. 

I snap my head up. "You will never have to be afraid again." 


I'm really really really really really sorry this took so long. I promise it won't happen again.

My Wattpad is kind of broken so this is all I could get to all week.

Here you go. There are only a couple of chapters left.

Love you!

vote. comment. fan. yell at me maybe. :( sorry.

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