Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

I'm slowly shaken awake and when I reach out a hand to punch the person my hand is caught and held still.

"You do that every time love." A voice chuckles, breath flowing on my neck.

"Then don't wake me up so early, Curly." I mumble and curl back into the bed.

"Blake, I'm not above going to get Louis." I turn and curl into Harry's chest, preventing him from getting up. He's warmer than the bed anyways and his steady heartbeat in my ear is relaxing.

"He won't come. He's afraid of me." I say quietly, grinning.

"He is now anyways." I'm confused. "Paul is here so you can have the day off to pack." I nod into the crook of his neck.

He starts to get up but my grip on his t-shirt tightens. "Ten more minutes." I tell him.

"Five." He compromises. "And only for you." He adds making me blush.

"How is he?" I ask referring to Zayn.

"His girlfriend broke up with him and he's getting pounded by management but he knows what he did was stupid so, he'll live." Harry says, rubbing my back.

"I knew this would happen." I always get hurt.

I look around and see I'm in Harry's room.

"Tour starts tomorrow. Well, not the actual tour but we're going back to England to get ready. I have a rehearsal at three and our flight is in the morning." I'll be going to the U.K. With the boys.

With Zayn.

"Is it too late to pick X-Factor?" Harry chuckles.

"Yes but, he won't mess with you. I'll kill him if he does." A tear falls and I sit up quickly.

"I'm sorry. I hate this. Being weak." He looks genuinely concerned.

"It's not a crime to show weakness." He tells me gently.

"Yeah. But I've cried more in the last three weeks than in my entire life. I don't know why I can trust you. I shouldn't." I say, getting up.

"But you can. I promise." He tries to hug me but I push him off. We aren't dating. He can't be all lovey-dovey.

"No, no chick flick moments Styles." I'm trying to break the tension. I'm not allowed to fall for him. He chuckles awkwardly.

He's staring.

Just watching me.

Too late.

No! Not too late.

"I, um, need. Can I borrow a shirt from you?" He snaps out of his daze.

"Yeah. Go ahead. My bag is right there. I'll be in the kitchen." He says and leaves, closing the door.

I go through his clothes (it's like we're really dating. I mean, for real?) I laugh when I come to his Hipsta Please shirt and slip it on, leaving the jean shorts I had on.

I'm instantly covered in his smell. It smells amazing. And the shirt is really soft.

I find my red high top converse next the bed. He must have taken them off for me. Sweet.

I look in the mirror and shrug. Eh. Could be worse.

I enter the kitchen and five pairs of eyes find me. Their are six people in the room (including Paul) but Zayn won't meet my eyes.

Louis sees my discomfort and is by me in a second. "Morning Blakey!" He yells in my ear, mid hug.

"Morning Lou." I say and try not to look at Zayn who I can tell is looking at me. I can feel it.

Don't let it get to you. It'll hurt him more if it doesn't effect you.

"I like your shirt." Harry says and I blush.

"Thanks. It's a friend of mines." He winks and I slap his chest when I pass him.

I look at Louis again and see his huge black eye. I rush over and grab his face. "What the heck happened?!" Paul just laughs. Louis smirks. "How did you get a black eye?"

"You punched me." He states bluntly, waiting for my reaction.

"No way." Everyone just nods and I hug him again. "I'm so sorry!"

"I know. You were angry and I was in your way. I get it. Don't underestimate you." He grins. "You're a tough chick."

"Well, I think it's makes you look Rugged. Chicks dig that." I tell him and his face lights up.

"I have to go FaceTime Eleanor. She'll think it's sexy. Yes!!!" He runs out of the room grinning. That boy. How she puts up with him, I don't know.

I applause her.

I make the mistake of finding Zayn's eyes and they meet mine.

He looks just like he did yesterday but wearing clean clothes that I'm sure one of the boys had to help him with.

I make the mistake of almost feeling pity for him and then mentally scoff my immaturity.

That's my problem. I'm too nice. I let people in and they break down my walls.

Well, I'm not going to let it happen again.

I'm done getting hurt.


Oh. My. Sheeran.


So, lemme know what you think awesome 1,750 readers!!!

And if you want a character tell me still. Details on last chapter.

And for those who have already asked they won't be until probably chapter 40 or so. :)




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