Chapter 71

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"Get up! Get up! Get up!"


"Cheese!" Everyone stops yelling and I feel a thump next to me which I assume is Niall being pushed over.

"That's not going to catch on Niall."

"Yes it will. You just wait." The Irish accent comes from next to me.

"Is she up?!" Harry's voice comes from down the hall.

Two large hands attack my stomach and I let out a scream.

"Yeah!" Louis calls back.

I grab the hands and try to pull them off but they don't stop. I bury my face in the pillow and try to ignore his hands.

I look up and see that it isn't in fact Louis but Liam.

Louis has changed him. He's being turned!

I grumble and make my way to the bathroom taking a long hot shower.

I change into my giant striped sweater that I got with my mom and leggings with my combat boots.

My hair doesn't look too bad so I leave it down and pad down the stairs with my suitcase in one hand and Jeffrey in the other.

When Harry sees me struggling he comes rushing over. "I can do it!" I tell him, setting my stuff next to his.

"Stubborn." He mutters. I look up and peck him on the lips to make up for it before heading into the kitchen to scrounge for food.

Niall is laughing about something (not surprising) as Louis and Zayn act out something.

"Morning guys."

"Morning." They chorus back.

I eat the fruit that someone got out and Paul enters the kitchen. "How are you?" He asks, sitting next to me.

It has that tone of, 'I'm saying this because it's polite but I'm about to accuse you of something.'

"I didn't do it." I state not looking at him.

He laughs. "Unless there's something you did that I'm not aware of I'm going to not think about it. I just wanted to remind you that you're on full guard now. Their will be fans everywhere. You need to put your personal life on hold for a while and focus on the safety of Harry."

I nod in agreement. "Of course." We go over the plan for the airport and continue to eat until it's time to leave.

We load up the van and get in, Harry next to me in the middle row.

I get a tweet and open it.

@Harry_Styles: @TheBlakeSheldon and Paulo hard at work talking about the stage and songs. Super excited for tour!

With a picture of Paul and I looking seriously at the airport blueprints that are too blurry to make out.

I reply and get a snicker out of Harry.

@TheBlakeSheldon: @Harry_Styles isn't ready for all this. We're gonna blow the roof off da the stadium and ere body gonna be all like, 'What?!' (My impression of Harry's impression of Niall pretending he is gangsta)

I look out the window as it starts raining. It's London, what did you expect? Rainbows and Butterflies?

I'm going on tour with my boyfriend and four best friends, singing and protecting him.

You know, the norm.


I know it's short.

Because I have something else for you.

I mustache you a question and I cannot shave it for later. Okay, stay tuned.

(For like another five minutes.)




Please and thank you.

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