Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Zayn and I meet eyes. "I need to talk to you." I say as he says, "Can we please talk?"

I laugh as Louis mutters "Jinx." under his breath.

We step into a adjoining room and I face him.

"I'm sorry." He says quickly.

"Zayn. Don't-"

"Let me finish." I can tell it's taken him a lot of courage to do this so I let him continue talking. "I'm sorry I kissed you. I honestly thought you felt the same way. But I see it's different now. I really like you and I get that you don't. I just want to know. Why not me?" He looks hurt. "Why the player? The one who flirts with other girls and-"

"Stop degrading Harry. You aren't helping your case." I tell him slowly, trying to keep my cool.

"I just want to know why you can't love me like that. Why am I not good enough?" His voice isn't at a yell but it's loud.

"Because Zayn. I am completely and undoubtedly in love with your best friend but I can't admit it and I act like I'm not. I deny it because I'm so afraid of being hurt again. He's the only one in three years that's been able to break down my walls that I built brick by brick, lie by lie, punch by punch, heartbreak by heartbreak! And after you did that its like you just threw them up again! So, I'd like to thank you, for putting things back into perspective for me. For helping me realize that this dream, this facade I was living in is too big, too good to be true. That love like that isn't real and I was just too much of a girl to have seen it sooner."

I finish my rant and he nods, not sure how to react before I walk back to the other room.

Only, I notice something the same time I connect eyes with Harry.

We never closed the door. All of them heard that.

"Guys, the plane's ready. Get your stuff." Paul sticks his head in the door and then opens it wider letting us out.

The other boys exit as fast as they can, trying to escape the awkward atmosphere.

I pick up my guitar and bag and follow Harry. "I didn't know you would bring your guitar."

"I mean, for tour I just thought-" I stutter. Was that bad?

"I'm glad." Is all he says before he takes the case from me, carrying it. "Have you named it yet?" I just nod, blushing. "It's not Ed is it?" I snort out laughter causing him I laugh as well.

I'm silently praising The Lord that it's not awkward between us. He's acting normally. He really knows me better than I think he does. He knows I hate being pitied.

"No. It's Jeffrey." I'm still blushing and it bothers me that he has that effect on me.

"Why Jeffrey?" He asks.

"That's what Ed's loop pedal's name is. I figured they could be brothers." I say it quietly and Harry lights up.

"I was right!"

"No you weren't."

"Well, it had something to do with Sheeran." I blush again and he just chuckles at me. "So, you and Zayn good now?" I shrug.

"I guess so. I don't want to talk about that."

We get on the plane and I notice Harry getting Jeffrey out. "Do you play?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"But I can play a mean kazoo solo during Heart Attack." I giggle and then stop myself. "You're turning into a girl." He says and I glare at him but can't stop the playful smile from sliding onto my face.

"Okay. We're dating-" I cut him off.

"Fake dating."

"Yes. Fake dating. So, we need to know stuff about each other."

"I know stuff about you." He gives me a disbelieving look. "I do. Ask me something."

"Favorite food?"

"Tacos. We went to that Taco place remember?" He scoffs and I laugh. "What's mine?" He thinks for a minute.

"Um... I have no clue."

"Yes! It's crab fried rice. It's a Thai dish." He looks appalled.

"How was I supposed to guess that?!"

"She hasn't tasted Nando's yet!" Niall yells from the front of the plane.

"You're just ashamed that I know more about you than you do about me." I say slyly and he playfully kicks me with the foot resting next to me on the seat.

"I'll reconsider once I taste Nando's." I promise Niall.

"Favorite color?" He asks me and I answer almost immediately. "Green."

"No, blue. You should know that." He tells me. Why would I know that?

"Sorry I wasn't a super fan stalking your fan pages before I met you. What's mine?"

"Black." He answers quickly.

"Black, really?" So stereotypical. "Is it because I'm wearing basketball shorts?"

Louis enters and sits next to me on the couch, across from Harry. "Harry is trying to guess my favorite color." He nods understanding.

"Red!" He bursts.

"You're just saying that because its your favorite Lou." Harry gives him a look and I pay his foot that's next to me.

"He's right." I tell him.

"We can be color buddies!" Louis yells, hugging me.

"Hey, hands off my girl." Harry glares at him.

"Oh, you're just mad I know her better than you." He sticks out his tongue before going who knows where.

This is going to be a long flight.


Awwww. They make up and Blake admits she loves Harry!!!

How cute.

Lots of stuff happens. And it's pretty long.

Look forward to what's coming in the next couple of chapters!!!




And thank you to my 2,500+ readers!!

You are awesome.


I thought since I've done llama I have to do camel now.


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