Chapter 19

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"What happened last night?"

"They look so cute."

"Lou, take a picture."


"Tag me."

"Stop it."

They're getting louder and louder and I'm getting a headache.

"You wake them up."

"I'm not going to wake them up. Harry hit me last time I tried to wake him up."

"Maybe Blake's a morning person."

"Shut up!" I tell them and they all stop talking.

"Nope, definitely not." I'm pretty sure this was Zayn. I snuggle deeper into the pillow and it pulls me in closer.

Wait, what?

I remember Harry and I's conversation and cringe.

I don't want him to treat me differently.

He probably thinks I'm a freak and I didn't even get to the worst part.

Great. I just keep messing up. Why can't I keep it together?

Why can't I get his gorgeous green eyes out of my mind?

Or his curly hair?

Or- Stop it!

I feel hands shaking my shoulders. "C'mon love. Time to get up." This is Liam.

"Do you like your head attached to your body?" I mumble.

"You have to get up." He says a little more seriously.

"Harry's not up." I counter and he sighs. Just like that my pillow is yanked from bed and Harry grunts, starting to wake up.

I turn over and cuddle into the warm spot in bed that he left. "What time is it?" I ask opening my eyes enough to see that it's completely dark, no light coming in through the window.

"Just after 6." Someone answers and I groan.

"I will kill you." I mutter hearing a chuckle. I feel a hand on my arm, pulling and I punch blindly.

And oomph sound follows. "Mate, are you alright?"

"She punched me in the stomach." A whisper escapes and I grin.

They finally give up but Liam tells me, "If you don't get up in ten minutes I'm going to send Paul in for you." I say some acknowledgement but I'm already half asleep.

No one gets up this early. I feel miserable. Maybe it's all the crying or the 6 in the morning part. Probably both.

I know it my job and yada yada yada but, I'm exhausted so you can sit down and shut up.

I feel hands on my waist and I'm pulled out of my glorious slumber. I try to push them off but I'm lifted and they tighten. I reach up and feel the familiar curls.

His chest vibrates in laughter while snuggle deeper into his chest while I'm being carried who knows where.

Suddenly, other voice enter my ears and I try to disappear into the strong arms holding me.

"You got her out of bed?" One whisper yells.


"I just picked her up and carried her down here. She let me." He presses a hand into my back, hoping I'll play along. I'm awake now. Might as well. I squeeze his arm in acknowledgement.

"No way." Liam says. I know he's contemplating whether or not to believe him. . "C'mon Blake. I made breakfast." I don't respond.

I open my eyes but look up at Harry who's looking down at me. "Do you want me to make you some cereal?" I nod and slip from his arms, sitting at the table.

Liam stares, with his mouth hanging wide open but a small grin makes it's way to my face. I was hoping he wouldn't see it but he does and I'm caught.

"No, but seriously. Try and wake me up this early again and you're dead meat." I say thanking Harry when a bowl of some kind of cereal is set in front of me.

"We have an interview. This is your first mob job. Just you and Paul on us. The rest just hold back the fans."

"I can pretend to be the overly jealous girlfriend." And Harry mutters something under his breath.

I meet his gaze and he grins but, it doesn't meet his eyes.

Niall looks at me for a second before sitting across from me.

"Is that my sweatshirt?" He asks and I nod.

"Last night she was freezing and it was in the dryer. Thought it'd warm her up." Neither of them mention the nightmare and for that I'm extremely thankful.

What great friends I have.

And so far Harry's is treating me just like he always does. Maybe more gentle but I'll knock that out of him.

"I don't really want to take it off." I admit.

"It might look a tad suspicious if you're supposed to be dating Harry yet you're wearing my clothes." I just nod in agreement.

"Well, we'll stop by your flat on the way so you can change." Liam says. Zayn and Louis haven't come out and I assume they're getting ready.

We get ready to leave and I peel off the sweatshirt from Niall and fold it nicely, leaving it on the table.

Harry slings an arm over my shoulder and we pile into the van. I meet Paul for the first time as a bodyguard.

"You weren't this girl when I met you last time." He says.

"That's for sure."

My phone suddenly rings and I see who it is. I gulp before pressing ignore. Harry notices my discomfort and grabs my phone putting in his pocket before I can protest and gives me a look that says 'we're talking about this.' I don't want to make a scene so, I just let him.

Here we go.

They're out of my life now.

This is my life.

I have a job.

They're my family.

The rest is to be forgotten.

He'll piece me back together. He promised.



This is filler but I promise it's going to get more exciting. This next chapter is going to be good. :)

As always, I luff you guys.




Do you like Blarry???

They're cute aren't they?

Kay, next chapter tomorrow.

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