Chapter 57

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What the heck?

I pick up my phone and dial Simon.

I was instructed to only do this in an emergency situation.

Yep. This totally counts.

"Hello?" His voice is groggy.

"Simon, this is Blake. I'm at Harry's house and there's someone trying to break in." He's all business now.

"Okay, Blake. Is Harry there?"

"He's asleep."

"Okay. Well-" I can tell that he's trying to decide what to do.

"Do I have permission to knock them out?" The door is about to open.

"Yes. I'm sending a team out there right now."

"Okay. I'm going to hang up now."

"Keep him safe." I nod and put the phone down, looking for something to defend myself with.

I have a tazer in my bag upstairs but I can't get there fast enough.

The door opens and a man in black steps in closing the door behind him.

I suck in a breath and wait for him to pass before I grab his arm and flip him onto his back.

He trips me and has a hand on my neck.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asks gruffly.

"I could ask you the same question." I say briefly and kick him in the groin. He groans and I take a punch to the face.

I stumble but throw anther kick and catch his jaw. He throws a leg out as well and catches my gut.

I could swear all of my ribs just cracked. But better me than Harry. This is what I'm being paid for.

I run and jump tackling him to his back and slapping my hands over his ears, most likely popping his eardrums and making him deaf.

He cries out and I hear a voice from upstairs. "Blake? Are you alright?"

"Harry, stay upstairs!" I yell. That's the last thing we need. My sudden distraction allows me to take another punch to the face and my head hits the floor, hard.

I put a fist into the mans masked face and he's out.

More men run in at that moment and I panic until I recognize Paul.

My knees buckle and I slump to the floor, leaning against the counter.

"Harry?" He asks first and I point upstairs. He runs up with two others and I try to catch my breath.

A man I haven't seen before kneels next to me as someone drags the masked man out.

"Are you okay?" I sigh and nod but know I look unsure. "How many fingers?" I try my hardest to make my eyes focus but they aren't cooperating. "Did you hit your head?" He asks and Paul approaches me.

"I think she has a concussion."

"I'm fine." Harry comes down the stairs.

"What the hell?! Blake!" He runs over, pushing Paul out of the way and grips my face in his hands. "Oh my gosh. Are you okay?" I nod, trying to focus on his eyes but it seems he has more than he's supposed to.

"She has a slight concussion. Nothing major. Just some aspirin." The man says and walks out.

"You're lucky Harry. You've got yourself a fighter." He nods.

"I know."

"We're going to take that man to the police. Try and find out why he was breaking in. Be careful. I'll have someone stay outside tonight just in case." He leaves, closing the door behind him.

"Are you okay?" He repeats and I smirk.

"Why, worried about me Styles?" I stand up and grip the counter for support against my protesting gut.

"Yes, I am. We need to clean the cut on your face." I reach up and touch my face, dark blood coming off on my fingers.

"I can do it you know." I say sitting on the sink in the bathroom as Harry cleans the cut on my face. He has his thinking face on with his eyebrows furrowed and his left hand holding my head still.

"But I am." Is all he says. "This is going to sting." He puts the cloth back on it and it does sting. I flinch and he gives me a sympathetic look. "Sorry."

He finishes and I thank him. I look up to see him watching me intently.

"Harry, I-" I don't know what to say.

"What's wrong? What's really wrong?" He puts his hands on my arms.

"It's not a big deal. It's stupid." I explain.

"No, Blake. Cut the crap! I'm trying to help you. What the hell is wrong?" He sighs and his face softens.

"I messed up. Today, during the song. The words were all wrong." I mumble and he smirks.

"No, you didn't." I give him a look. What do you mean? "Yes I did."

"You mixed two songs together. Blake, I thought you did it on purpose. No one knew you messed up except you. It totally looked like you meant to change the words." I let out a breath of relief. He doesn't hate me. "Why did you do that song?"

I look down and smile smugly.

"I heard you yelling when Liam was trying to calm you down. You said you promised to try and fix me." He grins back at me and before I can do anything he's leaning in.

"What are you doing?" I lean back, away from him.

"I want to try something." He says and before I can protest more he has both hands on my face and his lips are pressed to mine.




Okay, I can hear all of you right now.

Well, it took you long enough!!!

Luff you.






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