Chapter 23

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I'm going to update early today because you're awesome.

Yep. :)



I'm sitting on my couch eating popcorn trying to decide how Benedict Cumberbatch can look this good after going through a war zone. I guess that's just film media effects for you.

Someone knocks. I'm too lazy to get up.


They knock again. It's probably UPS needing me to sign something. That's what I tell myself.

It's not who I think it is.

"Blake, open the freakin' door! I know you're in there. I will not be your favorite after I break your door down." I lazily get up and open the door.

"Hi Louis." He walks in without saying anything.

"And for the record you can't decide whether you're my favorite or not. That's my decision."

He walks into my closet and starts looking through my clothes.

"Do you mind?" I ask.

"Do you want to go somewhere with me?" He asks, looking at me.

"Where?" I ask.

"I can't tell you." He hands me some clothes. "Go put this on." He says.

"I haven't said yes yet." I tell him and he shrugs.

"If you say no I would call the rest of the boys. Between the four of us we could force you to come." He smiles.

I notice he said four, counting Harry out, I guess.

"Fine." I put on what he handed me. It's my army green skinny jeans with a tan belt and a simple black v-neck. I laugh when he hold up a pair of heels.

"I don't own those." I say simply.

"I know that. I bought them for you." I let out a snort.

"You're funny Tomlinson."

"Put them on." I shake my head. "No freakin way."

I grab my battered black converse and slide them on instead. He's not very happy about this but sighs and puts the heels in my closet.

Okay Louis. Whatever floats your boat.

He grabs my hand and pulls out the door. We approach a car. He opens the door for me like a gentleman and I get in. He smiles.

"Have fun." He closes the door and I try ad see what he means but the child lock is on the door. I'm trapped.

I spend the next 20 minutes trying to get Stan, the driver to tell me something but it doesn't happen. About half way through I climb up to the front and we start playing 20 questions. I think he thought he'd better compromise. It was better than the questions about where we are.

We stop and he opens the door for me. I thank him and look up to see I'm at a radio station. I open the door to see a sticky note stuck on the door.

-Follow me.-

Is this Harry? Who else would do this? I'm tempted to turn around but the car has already left and I don't know where I am.

I see another blue note at the corner and each one has an arrow pointing in the direction I need to go. I must have 15 sticky notes in my hands now when I come to the door that has the blue paper stuck to it.

-Take a deep breath and open the door.-

What the heck?

I open the door and see a room filled with as many instruments as you could imagine. I step in and run my fingers over the keys of the piano.

"What do you think?" I snap my head around and there his is.



'Human' A voice in my head says.

He's not perfect.

"Please, let me explain." He says closing the door behind him.

I nod reluctantly and sit on one of the piano benches. I don't want to or give him. I don't want to hear his sad story about why he snapped and how the pressure is hard. I don't know what I want.

"There isn't a good reason I could give for what I did so, I'm not going to give you excuses. I just want to tell you that what happened to you isn't your fault. I know you think that I'm a huge jerk and you probably hate me. I know you think I'm a cocky pop star but I'd like the opportunity to prove you differently." I bite my lip. He looks at the floor and then stands up, grabbing my hands, pulling me up with him.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"



Blarry fans. You didn't think I'd let that happen so soon did you?

It's like the fanfics where they kiss in the second chapter. So unrealistic.

No hate please. You don't have to like it but remember this is just a story. Haha.

It'll get better. I promise on all of the turtles lives (even Liam's) that it will.





C'mon. The best comments get dedications. :) And please vote. It only takes a second.

Thanks lovelies. ;)

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