Chapter 51

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"Can you take me home please?" I walk up to Liam and Louis sends me a death glare.

"You can reject my best mate all you want but you still have a job to do." He snaps.

"Simon gave me the night off." I say quietly.

Eleanor comes and takes his arm, pulling him away. His face significantly relaxes at her touch and he holds her hand, letting her pull him into the other room.

Liam immediately agrees and gets up to get his keys and jacket.

I walk up to Ed and hug him tightly.

"I'm really sorry." I say.

"No, no. Don't even worry about it. You have to do what's best for you and if that's not it then you're just realizing where you stand." He gets it. He really does.

"Thank you. Really, for today and for the tattoo. It's perfect."

"Of course. And if you want another don't hesitate to let me know." He lets go after I agree.

"I have a feeling I'll be back." I tell him and follow Liam out to the car.

His knuckles are white from gripping the steering wheel.

The city lights really are gorgeous.

Liam parks a couple blocks away from Harry's house and we walk in silence.

Thankfully, no one recognizes him and I pause when we pass a gym. I realize I haven't been training since California. That's too long.

After Liam leaves I change into workout clothes and open the front door.

Liam stands with his hand up like he was about to knock. "Oh, um... Zayn gave me this to give back to you." He hands me my phone back and I thank him. "Where are you going?"

I bite my lip.

"Out." He gives me a look, still leaning in the doorway, blocking my way out. "I'm going to the gym, to blow off some steam." I say.

"Oh, alright."

"Don't tell Harry. I cannot stress this enough. I do not want him to follow me. I need some time to think about what I'm going to say." He nods but then adds,

"He's really upset."

"Listen, I'll talk to him. I will. But if I face him now I will say things that I'll regret and make it worse." He finally agrees and moves past me. "Do you want the door open?" I hand him the key.

"I'll wait up for Harry. Louis was going to stay with him a while." I clench my teeth, trying to contain my reoccurring anger.

Just make it to the gym.

I leave in a rush and get there without getting lost.

I feel buzzed, like I'm slightly drunk on adrenaline and rage coursing through me.

I rent gloves and head to the punching gloves. It's almost a blur.

I don't know how long I go but between the blaring music, anger pulsing through my veins, and lack of training for almost a month drives me further than I should probably go but I don't care.

It doesn't matter in the moment.

I just keep going. I feel like I'm going to pass out but I don't stop. It's happened before. It'll happen again.

"Maybe you should stop." A soft Irish voice says from behind me.

I laugh and continue hitting the bag hanging from the ceiling.

"Don't tell me what to do Niall." I can see him shift his feet uncomfortably in the mirror along the wall.

"Blake, stop." He says louder.

"I don't have to take orders from you Horan."

"Please stop." He says quietly.

I turn around, breathing heavily finally realizing the beads of sweat running down my face.

"So they sent you to check on me, right? The poor abused girl that can't handle having a boyfriend and is too weak to take care of herself. They came and got you to come talk to me, is that it?" His eyes widen quickly.


"You were abused?" I let that slip.

"It doesn't matter." He doesn't say anything after that. "I told Liam not to let anyone follow me." He slips his hands in his pockets.

"No, you told Liam not to let Harry follow you. And he didn't."

"Stop treating me like I'm five. That's why people don't know. Because they treat me different. They treat me like I'm weak."

I turn to continue fighting but he runs in front of me, between me and the punching bag. "You're going to kill yourself."

I say nothing. Maybe that wouldn't be so bad. I'm not suicidal I just don't want to have to face Harry. "Lets go. Come on." I shake my head.

"No." He nods quickly.

"That's okay. It's all okay."

"I don't need to be reassured. "

"What I meant was because you don't have to go back to Harry's. Liam said you could stay with him or you could stay with me. Louis is staying with Harry tonight and Zayn..." He trails off and we both know that's not an option.

He knows I'm about to give in. He pulls me away gently and pulls off the boxing gloves and wrap and I wince.

"What the-" I cut him off.

"It's not a big deal."he grabs my hands, inspecting the cuts and bruises that cover my hands and wrists.

He accidentally presses on my tattoo and I yelp. "Tattoo. It's okay, just sensitive."

"Sorry." He takes my bag and we walk to Liam's apartment.

So this is what it's come to.

I can't even stay with him now.

I can't even be in the same room with him.

You love him and he loves you.

Why can't it be simple?


Yes, this is filler but the next chapter is long and exciting.

So, gimme some votes and comments and maybe I'll put that up as well.

I hope everyone is enjoying Guarded so far, I am.

And to you awesome people who have gotten me to 5,300+ reads, you're amazayn.

Vote. For next chapter.

Comment. Rant to me.

Fan. So, you can keep up!!

I'll update tomorrow.

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