Chapter 66

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GIANNA MARIA'S POV (new point of view exciting!) :

Crap. I'm going to be late.

I push past the sea of people and continue I run to the giant venue I was told to meet at.

There must be a ton of people auditioning.

I'm not sure who its for but they must be a big deal.

I'm almost out of breath when I push the door open.

I approach the desk inside. "My name is Gianna. I'm here for the dance audition."

"Yes, you can go on back. Mr.Higgins will meet you back there." I nod and head in the direction she pointed.

"Niall, give it back!" I open the door slightly to see a girl chasing a blond haired boy around a stage.

They stop when they see me.

"I'm sorry. I'm in the wrong place. I'm here for a dance audition." The girl shrugs, knowing nothing about that.

I start to close the door. "Wait!" A large man jogs toward me. "You're here for the dancing?" I nod. "Great. Okay well, my name is Paul. I'm the Head of Security for One Direction."

One direction?

I glance at the blond boy. Niall?

Oh my gosh. I'm auditioning to dance for One Direction.

"So, our choreographer just called and his wife is having her baby... Right now. So, yeah. You were the only audition and you were last so if you just want to do something I could film it and send it to him." I nod and pull out my iPod.

I plug it in and pull my shoes off.

"Just tell me when." Paul says and Niall and the other girl stand by him off to the side. I nod. "Now."

The angelic voice of Ed Sheeran's Autumn Leaves fills the room and I take off.

This is my favorite that I've learned and I feel like I'm flying.

I finish and hear a bunch of clapping. I turn and see the rest of the band along with the girl and Paul standing there. "Thanks."

"Paul, you didn't press record!" Zayn scolds him.

"Yes I did."

"Well, it didn't." He sighs.

"Would you mind hanging out for a while and waiting until Chris gets here?" I nod. "Of course."

I stand awkwardly until Louis breaks the silence. He's cute but he's dating some model.


"Niall, give it back!" Blake yells, chasing me and jumping on my back.

I hear a quiet knock on the door and Blake gets off. I hand her back the guitar and a small girl walks in.

"I'm sorry. I'm in the wrong place. I'm here for a dance audition." Blake shrugs next me.

She's petite, cute. She has on black tights. It no, not tights. What are those things called? Leggings. They're leggings and a red tunic kind of shirt dress.

She starts to leave and I'm about to go after her when Paul comes running up to her. They have a conversation that I don't hear any of but she starts dancing.

Wow. She's amazing.

"What's your name?" Louis asks. She opens her mouth to answer but her phone starts ringing. She sighs and excuses herself.


"Gianna speaking." I answer.

"Did you get my text?" My best friend Sara asks.

"No. I'm in the middle of a job interview. Can it wait?" She doesn't hesitate to answer.

"Um... No! Just look." I hang up and open it.

Sara- just saw this. Didn't want to believe it either.

I open the attachment confused until I see my boyfriend of two and a half years lip-locked with some other girl.

No way.

I hastily will myself not to cry but can't help it. I dial his number quickly.

"Hey babe." He answers slyly, his words disgusting with my newfound information.

"Cut the crap! I saw you. All up on that girl."

He sighs. "It was just a kiss. She came into me."

"Nice cover up. You're hands were in her hair." He doesn't say anything.

"We're over." I tell him quietly.

He doesn't even fight for me.

He doesn't do anything.

I hang up and walk back into the studio.

"I apologize. I have some family issues that I need to take care of." I glance at Paul. "I'm sure you have my number if you need to contact me." He just nods bluntly.

"Wait," it's the blond one that speaks this time. "What's your name?"

Gianna crosses my mind briefly but I whisper, "Maria." Before clearing my throat and claiming "Maria." more confidently before walking out and letting the sobs consume me.


New character. Wharfs. (The things auto-correct comes up with. First it was Rick, now it's Wharfs.

Whadda ya think???




More today maybe???

And shout out to @Gianna_loves_1D for being there since the beginning. You're the best!

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