Chapter 32

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It's His fault I'm like this. He pulls away and looks horrified. "Blake... I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking."

"I kind of got that." I say harshly.

"Blake, please just-"

"I need a minute."

I open the door and exit the back of the restaurant and make my way back to where the rest if the boys are.

I approach them and they all stare at me like I've grown three heads.

"What?" I snap.

"Are you okay?" Harry asks cautiously. "Zayn called us."

Oh no no no no.

He didn't. He couldn't have told him. He didn't. Please. Please no. "He was crying saying that he was headed back to the hotel." He was at the hotel. "I've seen Zayn cry like twice. Ever. Whatever you did-" I hold out my hand to stop him.

"Whatever I did?! No, no, no. It's whatever he did. I'm going to talk to him. Slap some sense into him." I snap angrily before starting to stalk down the street. Harry runs up behind me and stands in front of me.

"He said to not let you in our flat love. He's really upset. He doesn't particularly want to talk right now." Harry says calmly with his hands on my arms. "Calm down." He says when I try again to push past him. "Blakey..."

"I don't care what he wants. I need to talk to him." I try and push past him but he holds me back. "Don't do this Styles." I say calmly. He starts to pull me towards the van. "I'm not going with you." I tell him.

"C'mon love. You can't talk to him right now. Lets talk about this." I struggle against his grip and he calls Liam over.

Between the two of them and me not technically being allowed to actually inflict pain on them they manage to get me into the van.

Paul greets me and I say nothing as I realize I'm in the third row, back corner. No jumping out.

Four people in between me and the door.

"You alright? Where's Zayn?" Paul aka me but Harry answers, probably scared of my answer.

"At home and she's fine." Harry says from next to me with a protective hand on my leg.

I think it's partially trying to comfort me and partially a warning that I can't try and get out. His thumb rubs soothingly but it's tighter than normal. It's making it hard to think.

No, it's not.

Well, what about Zayn?

What about him? It's not like Harry could ever like you.

He's going to hate you. You practically cheated on him.

You told him you wouldn't kiss him them kissed his best mate.

Way to go for Zarry.

I notice neither he nor Liam puts their seat belts on either just in case where as Harry put mine on for me. Another precaution. Another way I can't escape.

We stop in front of my apartment building. No duh. Wait until they leave and then go over. Once I'm there they can't not let me in.

"I'll see you guys later." Harry says as he gets out with me.

Or not.

"Wait, no. You're going with them." I try and push him back in the car and the boys chuckle.

"Have fun lovebirds!" Louis chimes as the van drives away.

"Come on Blake, really? I know you better than you think I do. I'm not stupid. You were going to try and leave."

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