Chapter 14

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Well, Wattpad decided to delete this entire chapter before I could post it so, this is my attempt to write it again.

I must love you guys a lot.

Your welcome.


🍄 That's a mushroom. There isn't a carrot. :/


"You've never heard our music?!" Liam and Zayn just stare at me, gobsmacked.

Louis pretends to faint dramatically into Harry'a arms and Niall drops his sandwich before darting out of the room.

"Well, I heard you on X-factor."

"Woman! How long have you known us?!" Louis puts his hand on his hip. Oh boy. Don't get Louis upset. He goes complete Sassmasta. It's slightly frightening and hilarious. But that's Louis for you.

Niall comes back in with a guitar and they all get up to stand in a line. Zayn places me on the couch in front of them before standing in place among the other boys.

Niall starts strumming and they start singing. They each step up when it's their time to sing and I fall in love with each of their voices. I love that Louis can smile while he sings. I'll have to remember to try and see if I can do that. When Harry starts singing I forget everything.

It's deep and raspy yet soothing and calm at the same time. I could listen to it forever. I smile slightly and they finish.

Louis is bouncing in anticipation. "So?"

I jump up and grab a couple of them in a hug. "Group hug!" Louis screams before I'm attacked in bodies. Liam holds on the longest and I pry him off of me.

"It was amazing guys, really."

I look up and Niall is holding out his guitar. "Your turn."

I shake my head. "No thanks." I say smiling.

He pouts. "Please?" I shake my head.

"She'll give in. No one can resist Niall." I hear Harry whisper to Zayn.

"The puppy eyes don't work on me Niall."

"C'mon Blakey. Your mom wouldn't shut up about you. Now it's hyped up." Harry says from behind me.

"I'm sorry Nialler. I don't like to sing in front of people." He looks slightly frustrated.

"But Liam's heard you. You'll sing for him and not for me?! What gives?" He looks pitiful.

"He was outside the booth and by then he had heard. I didn't know he was there... I don't know."

"You're like my sister. I'm not going to judge it or anything. Please Blake." A tear slips from his eye.





He just used the tears on me.

"No, don't cry. I'll sing. I'll do it. I'll do it."

And I fell for it.

He pushes the guitar into my hands with a small grin on his face an sits with the rest of the boys.

"You're a little [insert colorful word here]. You know that?"

He laughs and picks up his abandoned sandwich from the ground and takes a bite. He sits on the floor, leaning back on Louis' legs.

"Is it a song we know?" Louis asks and I nod.

"Okay, I'm not that good. I haven't played guitar in forever and singing is just-"

"Stop doubting yourself. It'll be great." Zayn says with a small grin, nodding.

"I just don't know if I can-"

"Blake," his voice. "Blake, look at me." I do and my eyes connect with his piercing green ones. "Just look at me. Like you're singing to just me. You can do this." I nod. His eyes don't leave mine as I start strumming.

He smiles when he realizes what song it is. I sing the first couple lines of Natalie Imbruglia's song, Torn. It's the first song One Direction sang as a group and I know it's one of Harry's favorites.

Making it through the song wasn't difficult once I started. There wasn't one noise.

No chewing from Niall or strange noises from Louis. I couldn't even hear anyone breathe. When I finish the deadly silence continues.

"That bad? I'm sorry." I say quickly burying my face in my hands. "This is why I don't-"

I'm cut off by Liam, "Amazing." Niall hugs me and whispers "Thank you." In my ear. "Really good." Zayn says smiling. "Brilliant, really."

"For real?" They all nod.

"You should be on our album!" Louis yells. I look to Harry last for his consent. I don't know what I'm expecting.

Disappointment, disgust.

All the things I got from Him. But the look on his face quickly reminds me that Harry isn't Him. He stands up and holds me at arms length.

He just whispers one word that changes everything.



Awwwww. Blarry moment!!!! Lol.

So, I promise more drama soon. Just one or two more chapters that I'm excited for and then some craziness!

I mean, more craziness than Louis going Sassmasta. Haha.






Luff ya. :)

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