Chapter 87

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He opens the door and tries to let me go first but I shove him in.

"What? There could be kidnappers." I validate and he laughs.

"Okay, sure. I thought you were the one protecting me?"

"Well, we'd both die and I could let them eat you first."

"Oh, they're cannibalistic kidnappers. I see." I follow him and the first thing I notice is the glass doors leading straight to the beach.

I follow him to the two doors across from each other and watch as he throws his bag into one before setting my guitar down gently in he other. "This room has the view of the beach." He tells me.

"Cool." I say nonchalantly.

I don't want to fall for him. I'm mad at him.

He's controlling.

'But it's because he wants to protect you.'

No one asked for your opinion.

'And I didn't ask to be stuck in your brain.'

You're a-

'Nice words.'

"Are you okay Blake?" I glance up and see Harry standing in the doorway.

"Yeah, fine. I think I'm going to go to bed early. I'm really tired." He nods, unsure.

"Alright. Goodnight." He shuts the door behind him and I sigh.

This is stressful.



I groan and roll over.

What time is it?

2:30 A.M.


Why am I awake?

A muffled ear piercing scream fills my ears.

What the-


I jump out of bed and open her door quickly seeing her thrashing around screaming.

I jump over her and pull her to me but she fights against me. She hasn't done this before.

I'm struggling to get ahold of her but it's like she's afraid of me.

Her eyes are still clenched shut and when she presses her hands against my chest I grab her upper arms.

Her hands are freezing against my bare chest and I draw her closer. She's still sobbing and once her arms are trapped I press her head into my shoulder whispering to her trying to calm her down, and get her to wake up.

"Blakey, shhh. You're okay. You're okay Blake. I'm here. You're safe. Shhh." She clenched her fists and tenses up before trying to shove me away again. "Blake."

"Harry?" Her voice is hoarse from screaming and breaks in the middle.

"Yeah, I'm here. You okay?" I ask gently. She stares at my chest for a minute like she's confused but doesn't say anything. "It's okay. You're safe. I won't let anything hurt you."

She tries to push herself away again but I reach around her back, holding her still.

"Haz." She says more clearly.

"Shhh." I run my fingers up and down her back. "Just go back to sleep." If this is the only way I can get her back then I'll take it.

If she can't ever be mine but I'm the one that can comfort her, I will.

"I have to call my mom." She whispers and I'm so caught off guard that I let her slip away again.

"Wait, what?"

"My mom, I have to call her." I see her dark form stumble across to her bag.


"To make sure she's okay." That's what the nightmare was about.

"I'm sure your mum's fine." I reassure her but she doesn't seem to hear me.

I small bright light fills the room and I get up, pulling the phone from her hands and carrying her by the waist back to the bed. "She's fine Blake. It's 3 in the morning. You're going to sleep." I insist pulling the cover back over her.

I climb on top of the comforter making it tighten around her. She leans over facing me and I drape my arm around her waist.

She starts absentmindedly tracing the butterfly tattoo on my stomach. "What's this one for?" She asks softly.

"The butterfly project. It's an organization that helps against self harm." She glances up quickly. "I donated a bunch to them. For you."

"You don't have to do that."

"Alright, and it's a pun. Butterflies in your stomach."


"What about this one?" She asks for the eighth time.

"You need to go to sleep." I tell her.

"I can't." She whines.

"Go to sleep Blake." I say more sternly.

"Okay." She says before tucking herself into my neck and drifting off eventually, her hand still resting on my chest.

Maybe she'll forgive me.

If not, I'll regret it.

This is what I lost.


Only a few more chapters.

It's going to be every three days or so with these last five chapters.

Get ready, I have quite the ending planned!





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