Chapter 30

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Here you go my lovelies!!!

The last few chapters have been pretty short so I'm going to try and make this really long for you.



"So, you've decided?" Simon asks me.

The ride to the tower was silent. I could feel everyone's eyes on me but I tried to remain expressionless.

I wouldn't tell them my decision.

It was only fair.

I nod. I grab Harry's hand on my right and Niall's on my left.

"I've chosen to go on tour with the boys. I think it's the best fit."

Before I can say or do anything else I'm lifted off the ground and spun around so fast I can't breathe, or think.

I can hear lots of screaming most of which is just assumed to come from Louis.

After I'm set down I'm passed around for hugs. Harry must hug me four more times throughout the next five minutes, like he's checking to make sure I'm real.

He just stands there smiling, weird kid.

"I thought you'd pick X-Factor." Harry breathes, relieved.

He runs a hand through his mass of hair.

"I couldn't leave my boyfriend." I wink and Simon chuckles, uncomfortable.

"Well, we are having a security briefing for the tour in twenty minutes. You're required to be there."

"Of course." I take the file he holds out to me.

"If you'd like to read over it and be back in here we'll get started." I nod and shake his hand before leaving the room.

All the boys tease me. "Have fun."

And "Try not to fall asleep."

And "Pay attention. I want my boo bear as safe as possible." That was Louis.

I open the file and all the boys are over it, looking. I shut it immediately.

"Mine. If you needed to know they would've given it to you."

"Actually, they're trying to save paper. It's for all of us." Liam says. This is the first time he's joined them into convincing me to do something immature.

"Good one Liam but, I think not. I'm sure it contains nothing exciting." I say and wait for them the leave me alone.

"One, two, three, seven!" Niall yells and Grabs me by the arms. Zayn has one arm wrapped around my waist and the other tickles me. Louis takes my weakness as an opportunity to grab the folder.

"No! I need that. I have like fifteen minutes." I say and desperately try to get out if his grasp.

"Harry, help." He decides to play along, thank The Lord.

"She's mine. Get your hands off of her you foul beast." He bellows and starts to wrestle Zayn.

I slip out and jump on Louis' back. He screams and tries to shake me off.

"Give it back." I say, reaching for the manilla folder. He throws it to Liam and holds my legs not letting me off.

I sigh and become still, letting him carry me around.

I'm finally put down and Harry pulls me onto his lap. His winds his arms around my waist, resting his head on my back.

"You're keeping me warm." He growls when I try and escape.

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