Chapter 79

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We go back to the tour bus and start moving.

I get settled in and we decide to play UNO. I say no initially but Zayn declined already so I give in.

We sit in a circle on the giant couch and deal.


"Harry, now I see where you learn from. Niall, this is too complicated for you." I get up to get food and run back to get my cards to see Liam mid-cheat. "Ha! Caught you."

"It's pay back for Stratego." He tells me.

I come back with two bags of chips and hand one to Niall who gladly accepts.

After the game I stretch and my tight muscles groan I response.

"I need to find a gym in the next city." I announce. "I need to spar."

"You could spar us." Harry invites.

"Yeah, because that ended so well last time."

"Not me. She can't spar me. I like my limbs attached to my body." Louis says and I laugh.

"You're right and Paul probably wouldn't like that." At that moment Paul decides to come up behind me and smack his monster paws onto my shoulders making my jump and slap his chest.

"Wouldn't like what?" He asks gruffly.

"Me sparring the boys." Paul just laughs.

"It'd probably do them good."

"I want to see Blake and Paul fight." Niall says still eating. I want his metabolism.

"I could give you boys a little lesson." Paul offers and I shake my head.

"No. I like having the advantage." I start to leave but Paul reminds me who pays my check and I generously reconsider.

"See, it's all about leverage. If you can get her in a position she can't get good leverage then you're good to go. See," he places his arms around me from behind lifting me off the ground. "She has the advantage here." I grab his middle finger in each hand and yank back causing him to release me.

"But if I do this," he has each of my wrists in one of his massive hands crossing them so I'm almost in a straight jacket position. He then knocks my knees out and holds the back of my calfs down. "She's trapped." I fight against him and then laugh.

"I don't like this. They're going to torture me."

Paul leaves to check on Zayn and before I can say anything they're trying it out on me. I end up in Liam's grasp last and he's enjoying it a lot more than I'd like him to.

Louis jumps down and starts to tickle me making me scream and Zayn runs in. Paul follows quickly after but just laughs when he sees no one is dead.

"You've created a monster." I tell him.

"Let go of her Liam." Paul says suggestively and he reluctantly does.

"What time is it?" I yawn.

"8:30." I nod.

"I think I'm going to try and get some sleep."

"Me too. It's early but I'm tired." Zayn says and we head to the bunks.

"Listen, I'm sorry-" he starts but I cut him off.

"I don't want an apology Zayn. Sometimes sorry isn't enough."

"I don't have an Ed Sheeran sitting around." He counters acting like it's no big deal.

But it is.

"Listen Zayn. I love Harry. He's the only guy I have ever told my secrets to, the only guy I trust. And I'm not willing to lose him solely because you cannot bear it. So, figure out what you're trying to pull and stop it. I don't love you, I love Harry." I snap and climb into my bunk quickly.


"I don't love you, I love Harry." She says harshly.

I smile at her words. They were mean and demanding but they were directed at Zayn and he's a coward.

She believes me.

And I'm glad for that.


The last chapters have been so short because these next few are really long.

Get excited!





Love you all!!!!!!

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