Chapter 22

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So, I better get some major props for this.

Because I'm awesome and have awesome readers I decided to upload again today! Your welcome 520 readers!


My phone rings and I let it join the other 27 ignored calls.

It was Harry at first but after eleven he gave up. I'm not sure if the other boys were actually calling or if it was just Harry using their phones trying to get me to answer.

It rings again and I'm done.

"What?!" I snap into the phone.

"Woah. Sorry."

I sigh. "Sorry Zayn."

" Not a problem. I know your ticked at a certain curly haired friend of mine." He says carefully, testing the boundaries.

" He was being an insensitive jerk. I said what I said and I'm not going to apologize and I'm not going to take it back." I say, letting him know how I feel about that.

"And nobody's asking you to. Can I meet you for coffee?" He asks.

"What if someone sees us?"

"I couldn't care less." I nod but then realize he can't see me and is waiting for an answer.

I agree to meet him. I grab my phone and head out the door. I don't bother looking in a mirror because I know I'll just be dissapointed.

I walk into the shop to see Zayn and Niall. I walk up and hug Zayn.

"I figured you could use a Horan hug." I hug Niall next and it's tighter than usual which I'm grateful.

"Thanks guys." I tell them. Zayn goes up to order and Niall and I sit down in a booth. Niall isn't allowed to order. He pretty much gets one (or more) of everything. You only let that happen a couple of times.

" So, what happened? This isn't a 'he called me fat.' Kind of argument."

"He just told me to stop feeling sorry myself. I explained that my life hadn't been all rainbows and butterflies. He was being inconsiderate and immature. I was finally feeling like I belonged somewhere."

Niall says something unrepeatable under his breath meant for Harry. "... He screwed up big time. Blake's not one to fall for him easily either." They speak like I'm not even there.

"I know. He had something going but I still don't think all bets are off." Zayn says.

"I like to whisper too."

"Listen," Niall starts. "Harry cares a lot about you and-"

"You can't tell her." Zayn whisper yells.

"Fine. You'll find out soon. But he really cares for you."

"Yeah right." I say. All he cares about is himself.

"And by the looks of it you care for him too." Zayn says.

"No. I don't. He's stupid and I'm pissed at him."

"Well, you still haven't taken off his sweatshirt love. I beg to differ."

I look down at the soft fluffy purple material enveloping me. " Lets play 20 questions." I say suddenly trying to change the subject.

We spend the next two hours learning anything and everything about each other. A few fans recognized them and they took some pictures but over all we were on the DL.

"Something you lie about often." And Zayn groans.

"I don't know." He grumbles.

"I tell people I don't like to sing but I do. I love the way the guitar feels in my hands. I love when people tell me what they think, good or bad...I tell people that I'm fine when I'm not." They watch me and Zayn nods, putting a hand on my own.

We keep going, staying silly and crazy with only the occasional deep question. Zayn asks some weird questions.

"If you were a tree what kind of tree would you be and where would you be planted?"

Like who knows that answer off the top of their head.

Oh, you know. Sycamore and a park. :/

"Oh, I'm sorry guys. I left my wallet at my apartment." I say regretfully.

"Why are you apologizing? We wouldn't have let you pay anyway." Zayn says and I thank him.

Once out of the shop a man with a camera approaches and we all pose. It's just one guy.

"Where's Harry?" He asks. "Are you cheating on him?" I laugh.

"No. Harry lost his voice and so we came to get him some of his favorite tea to help him recover. He'll be fine by the next concert." I smile and thank God that Zayn's still holding his drink, making it believable. The man moves along satisfied with my answer.

"Wow. Nice one."

"You forget this is my job. So, I suppose I still have to fake date Harry." I know the answer since I had to do the interview this morning but their nods make it final. Niall is biting his lip like he wants to say something but stays quiet.

This is going to be interesting.

They definitely know something I don't.



What is it???

You should guess.

Will she ever forgive Harry?

I know this was kind of slow. But it needed to set up a couple of things.

It's gonna get super exciting soon. Get ready!!!!!


Vote. Comment. Fan. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Alpacas are tied with chinchillas for the softest fur. Just BTW.

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