Chapter 13

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This chapter is dedicated to


For her sweet comments. And I'm updating today for her. So, yeah. Thanks love.

This is kind of a filler chapter but lots happens so it should be entertaining. More stuff with Him and her job just a little bit later. I want to establish some other things first. I promise it'll be worth it.

Does anyone read this?

Okay, whatever. I'm going to let you read now.



"Hi Mom!" I smile at her as she waves.

"Hi Blakey! How are you?" She asks.

"I'm good, yeah. How's dad?" Her face immediately saddens.

"He's alright." she tries not to cry. " "Misses you." She adds with a sniffle.

"I'll visit soon. I promise." She grins at this and then leans out of the frame.

"I saw this at the store today." She holds up a magazine with Harry and I on it. "Would you like to explain to your old not cool mother who this boy is and when this happened and what his intentions are for you and how far you've gone-"

"Mom! That's enough. And he's here. How about he explains it?" She lights up at this.

"Oh, yes! I want to meet him! I want to meet him!"

"Mom, stop jumping. You're shaking the computer." She stops and grins like an idiot when I pull Harry into view.

"Hello, ma'am. My name is Harry Styles. It's very nice to meet you." He smiles and I swear my Mom swoons right there. Yep, she's won over.

"Blakey, why am I just now hearing about your very attractive British boyfriend?" I chuckle when he winks at her and she blushes.

"Mom, Harry is a singer in a band."

"A singer? Oh! That's nice. Are they any good?" She whispers as if he can't hear her.

"Yeah, they're alright." I say sarcastically and Harry pecks my cheek.

Right in front of my mom! Not that she minded. She thought it was adorable.

"Ms. Sheldon, I do have have a question for you. Is Blake a good singer? She won't sing for me." I glare a him.

"Mom, don't say anything." I warn her and she looks warily at Harry.

"It's okay. You can tell me." He looks at her expectantly. I slap his arm.

"Mom-" Harry puts a hand over my mouth and holds me into his chest not letting me out. I listen to her go on and on about how my voice is like an angel that was dipped in fire to make my voice the perfect mixture of people. She compared me to Adele for God's sake.

I escape and look at my mom and Harry who has a knowing smirk on his face.

"Mom, Harry and I have to go." She goes serious.

"Now Harry, if you hurt my daughter you must know that I will detach your body parts and feed them to flesh eating bugs." I laugh.

"I have no doubt of that. And don't worry, she's in good hands." He doesn't look the least bit afraid.

Well, that's just Harry for you. I hang up and sigh. That went better than expected.

Harry turns to me smiling.

"I love her!" I laugh. "And One Direction. We're just alright?" He cocks an eyebrow.

"It was a joke Haz." I tell him. Do I need to spell it out?

"What's your favorite band?"

"Don't make me answer that." I plead and am dragged to the living room where the rest of the boys are.

"Okay, now answer. I'm sure they'd love to hear this as well. What's your favorite band?" He just smirks.

"Don't make her do that." Liam defends me.

'Thank you.' I mouth and he gives me a thumbs up.

"Yeah, that's not fair." Zayn says.

"To be completely honest I can't say One Direction because I've never heard your music."

I didn't exactly realize that would start World War 3.






I had a Memtalist reference in there if you caught it.

Yeah, I'll update again tomorrow.

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