Chapter 58

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"Tell me you didn't feel that." Harry whispers, his forehead pressed to mine. I mutter something but can't get it out. "Look me in the eyes, tell me you didn't feel that too and I'll take that as my rejection. I'll be content with pretending." He says and looking into his piercing green eyes.

The same green eyes I saw the first day in the dressing room and I know I can't do it. "I can't." He's hoping silently hoping.

"Please, Blake. Please just try."

"Try what exactly?"

"Try us."I take in a breath.

Harry's POV

That kiss. It's was just... Wow.

I think I'm in love with her. No, I am.

I am completely, undoubtedly in love with her.

She's everything. She puts in this front with all of these qualities but that's not her.

She acts tough but is weak.

She acts strong but is falling apart.

She acts cocky but is sweet.

She acts indifferent but is exploding with opinions on everything.

She pretends that she she can't love but she's just scared.

She's a scared little girl forced to grow up too fast.

"I can't." Her gorgeous blue eyes are darker than usual.

Maybe this will be it. Maybe she'll say yes; let me in.

I have to say the right words.

"Blake, please. Just try." I whisper, resting my forehead against hers.

It's one of those rare moments from her. One of her genuine moments.

"Try what exactly?" I smile.

"Try us." She's debating with herself.

She bites her lip and doesn't know that she's killing me. "Will you please let me fix you?" I ask and she smiles and goes on her toes, gently pressing her lips to mine.

"I feel it too." Is all she says before walking out of the bathroom.

"Wait, so is that a yes?" I run to catch up with her and she turns to look at me.

"I'll try. But I'm not making promises." She warns me.

"I am." I tell her and smash my lips to hers, harder than before.

It feels just like I had hoped. Perfect.

"Blake Sheldon. Harry Styles bodyguard and girlfriend. I like that better."

She giggles without realizing it. "Me too."


Here's a mini chapter because you guys are crazy.

Thanks for the support!!!

I'll upload again today. This is a teaser to tide you over.

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