Chapter 61

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Harry and I drive the two and a half hours back to London, staying silent for most of the ride.

"Blake, you alright?" Harry asks from the drivers seat.

"I'm fine." I say, trying to smile but it doesn't convince him.

"Is something wrong love?" He intertwined our fingers, keeping one hand on the wheel.

Just like the first time we met when he calls me love; there's just something about it.

I'm going soft.

"I'm fine." I try and pull my hand from his grip but he tightens it, not looking at me.

I huff before answering the question.

"I don't know. I just feel weird. I don't know. Like we've skipped so much." He looks confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, I feel because we were pretending for so long that we just picked up where we left off in the fake relationship. Like, I never got a real first date or an official first kiss and I feel like all of our first were fake, like we got cheated out of that. I feel like we've moved really fast and we just skipped a month of our relationship."

He stops at a red light and glances at me.

"We can slow down a bit, yeah?" I let out a relieved breath.

"That's the problem. I don't want to slow down. But I do. And I don't know what's going on and I'm an idiot."

"No, you're not an idiot. You're just afraid of the effect I have on you." He smirks. "The power I have."

I refuse to look at him like I know he wants and instead look out the window.

"The day after tomorrow. It's going to be the best first date you've ever had." We pull up the driveway and he leans over to kiss my cheek.

I jump out of the precious Audi and run into the house.

"Oh, thank God you're here. I thought Louis was going to kill someone." Paul says, standing by the door, looking pleased to see us.

Louis looks exhausted and I follow him into the room with Liam and Niall.

"We need to find him." Paul states. "If Blake can't find him I'm going to have to tell Simon."

"How long since he left?" I ponder, feeling like a detective.

"Right after lunch so, a while. We were playing Little Things and Zayn and Liam started arguing over who would sing Harry's solo." Niall explains, eating... Something. I don't really know what it is.

"It was just a joke. I didn't know he would take it so seriously." Liam says pitifully from the couch, his head in his hands.

I rush and pull him into a hug, his large fist clutching my shirt desperately.

Poor Liam. He's always so strong for everyone else.

'Where's his phone?' I mouth to everyone and Louis rushes to get it for me. 'Call Danielle.'

He nods and puts the phone to his ear.

"Hey Dani, yeah. It's Louis. Liam and Zayn got into a fight and Liam could really use you right now." He hands me the phone and Liam wipes his years before sitting up and taking the phone and listening to his girlfriend. "Hi babe."

He just sits there listening for a really long time, nodding and agreeing with her every once in a while.

"Do you think he left London?" Paul, Louis, Niall, Harry, and I are sitting in the kitchen.

"He doesn't usually leave the city." Paul says.

"This has happened before?" I ask, shocked. They all nod.

"It's kind of Zayn's thing. He runs from his problems." Harry admits.

"He's never been gone this long before. Usually he just blows off steam then comes back but, it's never happened in a city he knows. He could be anywhere."

This is a bigger deal than I thought.

"They must've really been going at it."

"Yeah," Niall starts. "We had to break them up. I think they would've thrown punches if we let them. Then Zayn started yelling about how we always take Liam's side. That's when he left."

'Zayn's done this before.'

'Its kind of his thing.'

"I might know where he is." I state simply and all eyes are on me. "I'm going to try and find him."

"What about Liam?" Louis asks.

"Try and get him some sleep. He's tired and upset. Just get him to calm down and take a nap. He'll feel better." Louis and Paul leave to check on Liam and I'm left with Niall and Harry.

"Okay, I'm going to try and find him. If he comes back before I find him call me." I start to walk out but a huge hand on my arm stops me.

"I'm coming." Harry insists and I just sigh.

"No you're not."

"Yes I am."

"No you're not."

"How're you going to get there?"

"I'm going to walk. I have legs."

"At least tell me where you think he is."

"I don't know. It's just a hunch."

"Then let me help you. You don't know you're way around yet." I groan. I've been doing that a lot lately.

"Harry, I've been with you all day. You need to stay and help Liam. You can be like a mediator." I try and persuade him.


"Listen Curly Top, this isn't my job. My job is to protect you and I'm doing that by saying stay here. I'm not saying that as your girlfriend, I'm saying that as your bodyguard. Stay here." I say steely and turn on my heel.

He calls after me but I keep walking.



Happy Easter!!!

Do you like it so far???

Yeah, yeah?

-Just leave them alone.

They're my friends. I like talking to them.

-because you don't have any real friends.



You're my friend Nialler.

-no. We are not friends. We are strictly endulging acquaintances.

That sounds wrong. We're eating buddies.

-yeah, yeah.



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