Chapter 96

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Chapter 96

"Guys, can I talk to you alone for a second?" I stand in front of Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Niall.

"Yeah. Yeah, sure. Is everything okay?" Liam and Niall ask following me outside onto the porch.

Harry already knows what I'm doing and goes away.

I rub my sweating palms against my shorts and sit across from them on a pool chair.

"Well, the wedding is coming up." Liam nods. "I want to ask.. Well, I'm trying to... Ahhhhh." I sigh and scratch my head.

"Louis' the best man and Zayn is Zayn so I wanted to ask if you two would walk me down the aisle?" Their shocked faces give me the answer I'm looking for and I get up going back inside. "Nevermind."

I open the door and Harry looks up at me, grinning.

I shake my head and his face darkens immediately.

"No?" I just look at the ground.

He stands up and hugs me. I shove him away.

"That might as well be them giving us their opinion on our engagement too. I've gotten rejected enough and when it's your fans I can take it but when it's my best friends..."

"Blake-" I put my hand up.

"Forget it."

I turn and see Niall and Liam standing there.

"You didn't even let us answer." Liam says breathlessly.

Harry's hand wraps around my waist, resting on my stomach.

"So?" Harry asks.

"Of course we'll walk you down the aisle Blake." Niall says.

"Why didn't you say so? I don't want to make you feel obligated."

They both hug me. "We were just surprised. This is your big day and we'll do it however you like." Liam tells me.

"And we want to see your dress." Niall admits and pokes me in the ribs.

I jerk away and laugh. "I haven't picked one yet."

Liam smirks,

"Are you wearing heels?" Harry chuckles.

"It's a chucks only wedding."

They laugh. "Of course it is."

"She has to wear a dress. But she got to pick the footwear." Harry says.

"Well, I like it." Liam says tapping his converse clad foot against mine.

"Thanks guys."


Sorry this is short. I wanted a chapter before the last one.

The last one is going to be big and long. (No comment on that at all. Lol)

Then the epilogue.

Then it's over!!!

:( I love you guys so much! I'm going to miss you.

Will you come read my next one?

Just all 15,000 of you shift over!

Yeah? Okay. Great. Glad that's settled. The last one up here in the next week.

Get ready!!! Blarry fans, the feels might kill you.

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