Chapter 85

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"I promise-" he starts.

"No. Stop making promises that you can't keep."

"I don't want to lose you." He cries, desperate.

"I thought our relationship was based on trust. I told you my secrets. Things that nobody else knows." I tell him.

Tears are falling freely now. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." He chokes.

He grabs my wrists tightly and I fight him. "No. Harry." He holds tighter and reaches a hand around my back to pull me closer. I press my free hand against his chest and soon realize he's stronger. "I can't." I fight him but he presses me against his chest and holds me there tightly as I break down completely from the stress. "I can't. It's driving me nuts."

"Shhh. You're okay. You're alright. We'll work this out." He sniffs and I realize he's trying to be strong when I'm supposed to be the strong one.

I try and back up, to pull myself together but he grips me tighter, fisting my shirt in his hands like I'm his life line.

It's like he's almost afraid I'll disappear.

"Don't leave me." He barely whispers, like a scared child begging for reassurance.

"Harry-" I begin and focus on the collar of his shirt that my hand happens to hold.

"Please, please. Blake, please don't leave me." I can't say anything so he holds me at arms length so I'm forced to look into his green orbs that had me the moment I laid eyes on him that first day in the dressing room. "If you left I wouldn't sleep, I wouldn't eat. I wouldn't be able to do anything. I need you."

"No, you want me." I correct him.

"And I don't want anyone else." He says and I slap him.

"You promised no chick flick moments." He takes a breath and nods.


"I just want you to be sure that you can do thi-"

"I can do this. There has never been anything I've been more sure in my entire life but I can do this. I can protect you without protecting you because you don't want to be treated weakly but I want to. And I'll make you happy. I'll tickle you when you scream at me to stop because I know you secretly love it. I'll tell you how amazing you are and how much I love you all the time. I'll flip the bag of chips over half way through so you can get the best of both sides. I'll help calm your nerves when your about to get scared to go on stage. I'll exclaim your beauty to the world so everyone knows I'm completely and only yours. I just need another chance." He finishes almost out of breath.

"What kind of flowers would you get me?" I question almost coldly.

"You hate flowers." He says and I nod. "I'd settle for a pair of converse." I can't help but let out a breathy laugh.

"A month." He furrows his eyebrows the way he does when he's confused. "If you can wait for me for a month then I'll give you another chance." He looks like he wants to say something but holds back.

"Okay. I love you Blake more than I've loved anything in the entire world and I'd wait a lifetime twice over if means I get to be with you."

I nod slightly. "What about your job?" I can't bring myself to look at him.

"I quit."



I'm super excited though for the ending.

Only about five to ten more chapters.

Bear with me.

Trust me on this one.

And do you want a sequel?

Or another story?


Comment. Lemme know lovelies.


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