Chapter 54

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"What?! Why haven't I heard about this sooner?" I ask, nerves kicking in again.

"Because with everything going on with Harry we were a little preoccupied." Liam says from the drivers seat, in front of me. "We just forgot until Simon reminded us this morning."

We drive in comfortable silence the rest of the way and Liam hums.

"Hair and make up is this way." A lady tells me. I ignore her and keep walking.

"Blake, you need to go to hair and make up. They called you." I look at the quiffed boy and laugh.

"Yeah, me in make up. Haha. You're funny. You got me in a dress, be happy."

"Ms. Sheldon, can you follow me please?" I nod and follow the lady.

I like her. I guess I would probably like anyone who calls me ms. Yeah, that's all it is. I don't actually like people. Haha.

We're lead to a dressing room. "Someone will come get you about twenty minutes into the show." I smile politely until she leaves.

"All this being nice to people is hard." I say sitting next to Niall and Liam.

"Don't worry about it. You'll do great. Just tell them how great Harry is and stuff. The questions won't be anything you haven't heard before." Zayn reassures me.

"Will he be watching?" He clicks his tongue then sits on the chair next to the couch, not answering.

That means yes.

Don't freak out.

I pull out my phone and open a new tweet.

@TheBlakeSheldon: about to go on @theEllenshow ! Super stoked. Who's watching? The boys are!

I tag all of the boys and immediately get a ton of tweets saying 'I am!!!' And retweeting saying for everyone to watch.

All of the boys tweet me too. Even Zayn, and he's never on there.

@Zayn_Malik1D: watching @TheBlakeSheldon backstage and she's wearing a dress. Craziness. Good luck doll!

@Real_Liam_Payne: everyone better be watching @theEllenshow ! Harry's gf @TheBlakeSheldon is on in 10!

@Louis_Tomlinson: my best friend and best mate's girlfriend is on @theEllenshow ! You better be watching peasants!

@NiallOfficial: good luck @TheBlakeSheldon Her first interview on her own in a few. You're gonna do great. Luv ya babe.

@theEllenshow: Get ready! Our new friend @TheBlakeSheldon is coming to reveal some secrets and clear up some rumors. Don't miss.

(And I know Ellen isn't live or in England. But you know what? You can pretend.)

All of these are nice and I'm eternally grateful for all of the support but it's the last one that seems to make my heart beat a little faster and stop all at the same time.

@Harry_Styles: My beautiful girlfriend @TheBlakeSheldon is on @theEllenshow Everybody better be watching. Good luck babe!

I favorite them all but Niall interrupts my tweeting.

"You and I are preforming too. Just so you know."

"Don't we get to practice?" I ask.

"No time. We can do little talks if you want. Make it easy." I shake my head and smile.

"I have another idea."

Someone knocks on the door. "It's time."

I stand backstage pulling at the skirt, wishing it was longer.

"So, our next guest is an amazing singer songwriter musician and is dating one of our favorite world phenomenons. Please welcome, Blake Sheldon!" Everyone applauds and I manage to walk out without tripping and falling on my face.

I hug Ellen and wave to the audience before trying to get comfortable in the red velvet chair. "How are you?"

"I'm good, yeah." I smile.

"So, you're American?" She implies and I smile wider.

"Yes. I haven't seen many if those lately." She chuckles.

"So, for those who don't know this you're dating who exactly?"

"I'm dating Harry Styles from One Direction." The crowd goes crazy. "I know, he's good eye candy, right?" Everyone laughs.

"So, you're American. Your boyfriend is English. What's going on?"

"Well, I'm originally from Texas. Then out of high school I moved to LA. I played little gigs here and there and got a record deal with a little studio in my neighborhood. Once I did some stuff Liam came in to sing a duet with me and one of the days Harry came and then you know the rest of the story." The crowd 'awwwww's'. "Oh, shut up. I see the sign!" I yell, laughing.

"So, are you still with that studio or..." She trails off, letting me answer.

"No, I'm signed with Syco records. Which is the same label as one Direction who I will be touring with." Everyone cheers.

"Is it weird to be around British people all the time?" I laugh.

"Weird? No. Obviously, it's not too weird because I'm dating one of them but sometimes I'll try an English accent to fit in but it's horrible and they just 'ignore the American' and hope I'll stop. They like reasons to tease me. I do say words differently though."

"Do you get along with all of them?"

A picture comes up on the screen of all of us. They're all standing in a straight line and I'm across their arms, laughing hysterically. "Yeah, I do but it's nice to have someone from my own kind here." We laugh naturally.

"So, being famous and all; with that comes a lot of responsibility for your image and reputation." I nod. "We heard a rumor a couple days ago that you and Harry aren't really dating."

I freeze.


Dun dun dun!!!

The dreaded question.

Are you sick of me yet??? Muahahahaha.

-yes we are.

You know what Zayn? This is my story.

-about us. So far I'm not too pleased with it.

Someone had to be the traitor. I volunteered you. No hard feelings.

-wow. I feel the love.

Go look in a mirror.

Lol. Some people have been confused as to what's going on in the authors notes.

No, I do not know One Direction or I most likely wouldn't be writing a fanfic about them.

I'm just pretending. (IMAGINATION!)

More drama to come. I'm super excited for in a couple chapters.







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