Chapter 11

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The doorbell rings and I buzz him in. I look one more time in the mirror.

I'm wearing a cream colored loose shirt with high-waisted jean shorts. I have my black converse on (yeah, they're kind of my trademark) and my hair is slightly curled.

I lock the door and meet him at the corner of the hallways.

He gives me a once-over and smiles.

"You clean up good." He says.

"Well. I clean up well. And you don't look so bad yourself Styles."

He actually looks completely smoking but I wasn't going to tell him that.

He's wearing Khakis, a navy blue v-neck and his white converse. His hair is it's usual gorgeous mess and his eyes seem brighter if that's even a possibility. Good grief, I'm turning into a girl.

I internally groan. Control you hormones!

"Well, however I'm supposed to say it. You look lovely." I grin.

"We're not around people. We don't have to pretend." I tell him.

"Maybe I'm not pretending." I see him start leaning in. Is he going to kiss me?

"Um... This is just a job Harry." He looks at me and nods nervously.

"Right. Lets go then." I thought I saw a look of disappointment on his face but I'm sure I just dreamed it. "Dreamed what?" I said that out loud.

"Nothing." He takes my hand as we get out of the elevator.

There is a group of men with cameras waiting around.

I push Harry back into the elevator.

"What is it?"

"There are a bunch of Paparazzi right there." He nods.

"I know. They were there when I came up. I told them I was going to get my girlfriend." I sigh.

"Let's make it quick." And I'm sure I look like a mess.

"You look gorgeous. Stop it." He says before pulling my hand gently into the lobby.

First test, here we go.

We're bombarded immediately.

"Harry? Harry! Harry!" They're relentless.

"Alright, I have five minutes the my girlfriend and I are going." They quiet down and start raising their hands.

"How long are you in America?"

"Another three weeks." He answers quickly.

"Will she be coming with you?" She spits it out and glares at me. Harry puts an arm around my shoulders protectively.

"Her name is Blake and we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

He doesn't miss a beat. I would be so flustered.

"Blake, our twitter fans want to know what the hardest part of dating someone as famous as Harry is?" She's definitely nicer than the last lady.

"Um... I guess, having to share him." Harry chuckles and looks at me lovingly.

"I'm all yours." He says and everyone Awws and takes pictures when he kisses my cheek.

"So, Harry. Are your days of older women over?"

He just laughs. "It was blown way out of proportion, that's for sure. But for right now I am completely content yes."

"Blake, have you met the rest of One Direction and how do you feel about them?"

"Yes, I actually knew Liam before I knew Harry. Then I met the rest of the boys right before we started dating. I love them to pieces. They're crazy and fun and I'm glad I know that when I don't get to see Harry that he's with people like that." The group laughs.

"Blake, will Harry be on your new album?" I'm a little caught off guard.

"I don't know. We haven't talked about it. I have a few songs that Liam and I were going to record but maybe a couple will have some Harry. It's a surprise." I end and smile at Harry.

"Alright, no more questions. Thank you." They follow us for a minute and then leave us alone, finally.

I don't know how he does that everyday.

Get used to it Blake. He isn't some little hollywood model.

He's a worldwide phenomenon.


And Ch. 11 as promised.

Well, that's sweet.

This is just a filler but the next chapter I'm stoked for!!!!

Eeeeeeeeppppp. Stay tuned for

More action.






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