Chapter 25

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We approach the front counter of the radio station.

The lady immediately pulls her skirt up and her shirt down. I tense immediately tense and Harry squeezes my hand. Am I jealous? No. Not for my fake my boyfriend.

But he wanted you to be his real girlfriend. My head tells me.

But that was just to make acting easier. No one could really feel like that about me. I'm just the bodyguard.

"How can I help you?" She purrs.

"I bet you're thinking of a few ways." I say under my breath but Harry heard me and smirks, trying not to laugh.

He doesn't give her a second glance.

"I'd like to buy this guitar for my girlfriend." Harry says and this is the first time she's taken notice of me.

She gives me the most fake smile I've ever seen.

"Of course." She goes to the back with his credit card to pay for it.

"She's hot." I say suddenly. Why did I say that?! I mentally slap myself. Stupid!

"Not my type." Is all he says in return.

My brain is dissapointed.

Well, what did you expect? Him to kiss you and whisper in your ear, 'she's nothing compared to you.'

This isn't a cliche romance novel.

Get over yourself.

You're both pretending so no one gets hurt.

You protect him.

That's all.

But he asked me to be-

Stop it. You said no. Forget it. He'll just hurt me.

But he promised-

I don't care what he promised. That's all guys do is hurt girls.

"Are you alright love?"

"Just peachy." I say a little harsher than I meant to.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head and he nods curtly, "Okay."

The lady comes back out and hands him the receipt and his credit card back. I notice that there's another paper under it.

It's her number. That sneaky little-

"Thanks but we'll just take the guitar." He hands it back very publicly.

He smiles his press smile and I can see right through it. "Wow. She was a joy." He says sarcastically after opening the door of the car for me.

"Yeah. Is it like that all the time?" I ask.

"Pretty much but I try not to let it get to me. They just like me because I'm famous, not because they actually like me."

I bite my tongue from saying something like 'I like you for you.' But I can't.

You're just friends!

"So, what should I name my guitar?" I ask, making my mind shut up.

A look of concentration crosses his face while he watches the road.

"I think you need to play it a while before you decide. Like how someone's name fits their personality. Like Blake. It's traditionally a guys name but it fits you because you're a little spit fire. You're strong-willed and loud and fun."

I blush like crazy. "Thanks."



Kind of short. Sorry.

But he sticks up for her. Awwww.

And we see some internal struggle. :/

Some interesting stuff is coming up. Get ready.




Thanks do much for supporting me and this book. It means a lot. You're awesome. :) Kay. Cool.

I'll upload again today. :)

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