Chapter 46

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Well, because you, my loves are amazing and awesome and have almost gotten me to 4,000 reads I'm going to upload the next chapter.


Yay. Right?

Okay. Remember to vote because I'm great for doing this. Haha.

It's pretty long.



"Shopping! Get up! Get up! Shopping!"

I recognize the voice of Lou Teasdale, the boys' stylist.

Uggghh. What is it with people waking me up in the mornings? Let me sleep.

"How did you get in here?" I mumble.

"Louis let me in." Of course he did. That explains everything.

Why was Loui- oh, right. "Harry said you had a rough night and to be gentle with you so that means more shopping!" I groan.

"I never agreed to this. I hate shopping!" I yell this really loud and I'm pretty sure all of London heard.

"Blake cooperate." Liam yells from the kitchen.

"Doesn't matter if you want to. Go get in the shower." She pulls me out of bed by my feet and pushes me into the shower.

I reluctantly obey and strip after locking the door. I look in the mirror and sigh, my scars jumping out at me.

There are just so many. All of of them so awful.

Even the 'I love you' I can see him etching it into my skin.

I want a different meaning. To show him that I'm better than that. That I'm over it and still living.

That's when I get the idea.


"Okay, we'll be back by tea." Lou tells the boys.

I snicker. "Yes, we'll be back by tea." I mock her accent and put my pinky out.

"We'll be back by five." She says in a really bad American accent.

"Call me if she complains too much." Liam says giving me a look.

"What?" I snap making Louis laugh.

Oh! I almost forgot. "Harry. I need to talk to you for a second." He nods immediately and follows me into another room.

"Is everything okay?" He asks. His eyes are filled with concern. And sympathy.

"Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine. I want to know, well, you see... Uggghh. I don't know how to say this. I'm going to sound like a girl. I hate my scars and I wanted a way to show... Him that he doesn't own me so I had an idea to get a tattoo. Like a permanent scar but of my choosing and I wanted to ask if you would go with me? I mean, you don't have to. I just thought cause its my first tattoo and I'm kind of afraid of needles and well-" He puts one of his gigantic hands over my mouth gently, stopping my rambling.

"Of course I'll go with you. I know the perfect guy. We can fit it in with our plans tomorrow if you like." I nod enthusiastically. "What are you going to get?"

I blush a little. "Well, remember what you said last night? The 'you have to fall to see where you stand.' I want to get that."

His smile is huge. "Wow. Thank you Blake. That's really nice."

"I mean, if it's not weird..." I don't want him to think-

"No, it's not. Maybe I'll get another one too." I smile and hug him quickly.

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