Chapter 35

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"Liam, I'm not done packing. Would you mind taking Blake back to her apartment?" Harry says quickly.

I know he's trying to get me away from Zayn but why he doesn't come confuses me.

I think he's afraid that I won't listen to him. And Liam's famous for getting people to do what he says.

Liam nods but I don't want to be babysat. "I can walk." I tell him and swiftly walk out the door.

"Just let Liam-" I cut him off.

"Why? Like I can't take care of myself? You're funny. Harry, I'll be fine."

I receive a text when I exit the hotel. -Don't be mad at me love. I'll come get u at 6. We're going somewhere.-

Sexy Styles. No, I haven't changed it. Why would I?

-No. We are not going on a date. We are not dating Harold.-

Sexy Styles-fake date. Real couples go on dates. If we don't they'll know it's fake. And it's not technically a date at all. And the boys are coming. To celebrate our last day in the U.S.-

-will Zayn be there?-

Sexy Styles-Idk.-


Sexy Styles-babe?-

-I'm not mad at you.-

Sexy Styles-yes u r-

-no I'm not-

Sexy Styles-what did I do?-

-nothing. I'll see you later.-

I don't hear back and I'm assuming he's trying to not get in a fight.

Can we cue the awwww?

Okay, now shut up.

Just kidding. :)

Not really.

Well, kind of.


I pick up Starbucks, change my pants to sweats but leave Harry's shirt on, and blast Pandora while I pack.

Shirts. ✔

Pants. ✔

Shorts. ✔

Shoes. ✔ (All converse might I add)

A dress. (Just kidding. You're funny.)

I slip everything else that I want on the plane into my backpack.

I sit the two suitcases and my backpack by the door and remember I need to go get a book for the flight.

I throw my hair into a bun and grab my wallet and phone.

When I get to the book store a girl probably about 13 in age all but tackles me in a hug.

"You're- you- you are- b-Blake. You're Blake Sheldon." I smile brightly and nod. I have a fan. Cool. I mean, who wouldn't like to have this happen?

"Yeah, I am. What's your name?"

"J-Jessica. Can I have a picture with you?" He stutters still looking in utter shock.

"Sure." I take her phone and snap a picture of us. "What's your Twitter? ill try and get the boys to follow you."

"OMG!!! That would be amazing. This is a dream! I can't believe I'm talking to you. It's um, @Niall's_Princess." (A/N: And I made this up so, if it's real which it probably is then it's purely coincidence.)

"Cool. Thanks Jessica."

"Is that Harry's shirt?" She asks and I nod. She nearly explodes. I realize now what it looks like.

Me wearing his shirt coming to the store in the morning in sweats, great.

She walks away after that and I smile. Not because she left. But because that was the first time someone's recognized me when I'm not with the boys.

Well, that and no one kissed me without permission.

It's nice, being noticed.

That's what I'm passing up from being on X-Factor.

But it's worth it. Or that's what I'm telling myself. Yeah, it's totally worth it.


Okay, so... It's short and a filler. Sorry.

Tomorrows chapter on the other hand is long and exciting.

So, get ready.

And I'm going to try and fit the characters you guys send to me in when I can but it might be a few chapters and one of you I've turned evil. Whoops. 😁

forgive me.

And we're almost to 2,000 reads!!! Lets hit it today. 150 to go, you can do it my pigeons!!! See what I did there?

Kay, see you tomorrow. :)

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