Chapter 26

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"So, we have to tell you something." Louis says in complete seriousness. "But we're not going to tell you here."

I'm sitting in the boy's living room.

I just give them all confused looks.

"We'd like someone else to tell you." I nod but still very confused.

"Okay." I'm lead out to their van and Paul drives.

"Haven't had to do much protecting lately have ya?" Paul asks.

"Yeah, it's been pretty easy." I tell him honestly.

"You just wait." He says chuckling.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask genuinely.

"Paul!" Niall hisses. He apologizes quickly and keeps to himself the rest of the way, grinning.

"Remember when I said that there were two more parts of my apology." I nod. "Well, this is one of them."

I smile. I'm excited.

I've become really close to all of the boys and they're like my brothers. I'm going to hate it when they leave.

We pull up to the management building.

"Why are we at management?" I ask no one in particular.

"You'll see." Louis whispers in my ear trying to freak me out. Out of instinct I slap him and feel really bad when he clutches him face.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Lou. I didn't mean to hit you. You scared me and it was instinct." I say quickly. "Please don't hate me."

"Lads, don't scare that one." He points at me and I blush sheepishly. He hugs me the best he can from the seat behind me and we're good again. Just like that.

This is what family is supposed to be like. This is what best friends are. They have all the qualities spread out into all of them.

It's like if one of them was gone it wouldn't be One Direction. It just wouldn't be the same.

Harry takes my hand when we get out of the car. It's a really nice day. There's a light breeze and the sun is out.

Perfect Cali weather.

We enter the elevator.

"This is the first place I talked to you guys on the phone." I tell them and Louis giggles. "I still haven't changed your ringtone Lou." And he fist pumps. "Yes! The first step to conversion out of a Sheerio and into a Directioner is admitting your love for us."

I chuckle and hold my hand out. "Slow down there tiger."

"I'm going to tweet Ed and tell him you said that." Harry says.

We wait until someone comes and gets us in the waiting room.

Liam is reading a book and Zayn and Harry are on their phones. I start a poking war with Niall and he just starts laughing. I have to stop though because he gets a little loud causing the lady at the desk across the room to glare at us.

"If you could have any car in the world what would it be?" Louis suddenly asks me.

"Like nice car? Like if price wasn't an issue?" He nods. "A Bugatti Veyron." I sigh. "Or some kind of Audi." I say. "Those are more street legal." I grin and we're called in.

Zayn covers my eyes and Harry holds my hand, pulling me forward.

Once we stop Zayn let's go and I stand in shock.

Standing in front of me is...


Muahahahah. Sorry. Cliff hanger.

Couldn't help it. It was right there and I just had to.

And two short chapters in one day. A long one tomorrow. Promise.

But let me tell you it's not either of the two people you think it is. :)

I'm so evil.

Let me know who you think it is.

If you get it right I'll dedicate the next chapter to you.

I don't think you'll do it. You're too chicken.

Oh yeah, I went there.




To find out who it is!

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