Chapter 92

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Chapter 92

It didn't take long after Ed left to disregard what he said about Harry.

The more pictures of him holding hands with other girls, taking them out to dinner the more I realize that he realize he has moved on.

Ed was lying.

I'm sitting in the coffee shop with Jeffrey and papers all around me.

I've been waiting for Harry to show up.

I mean, I knew he wouldn't but I had that tiny part of me that wishes he would walk through the door.

"We're about to close up so... all this..." I look up and see Geoff gesturing to my papers littering the floor.

"Sorry. I'll clean up. I just need to finish this last thing." He nods and goes back behind the counter knowing that I'll be at least another half hour before I actually get out of here.

I glance at the clock and it says 10:30 p.m.

This is kind of a usual thing.

"Geoff?" I call and he continues wiping tables.


"Word that indirectly rhymes with leave."

"Sleep." I nod and jot it down.

I lean back against the couch.

I ended up on the floor about 5 or so.

That's when my notes transferred from the table onto the floor.

I pick up all the papers and set them on the table. "Did you make m-"

"Your latte's on the table in the back." He points.

I step behind the counter and spot my latte.

"Sorry sir. We're closed." I hear Geoff say.

"I'm looking for someone. Is there a really gorgeous girl maybe yay high with curly brown hair, really blue eyes, and tattoos here by any chance." That accent.

He came.

"N-no. No one like that." Geoff says quickly.

I'm sure all the tattoos and possible Paul has made Geoff think he's bad news.

"Are you sure? Wait, yes she is here! That's her guitar. Please, she's my girlfriend and I haven't seen her in a month and-" I step out of the back and stand face to face with Harry Styles in all his glory. "Blake."

"Hazza." Calling him Harry seemed so stupid.

Haha. Save the pleasantries, right?

"You came back." I whisper and he runs to me, knocking the coffee out of my hand.

He squeezes me so hard and breathes in.

"You changed your perfume." He notes.

"No, I started wearing perfume." I state.


"My mom got it for me. Said I needed a change. She was really upset when I told her why I was coming." His face softens.

"How are you?" He asks in the same tone my mom used when she asked me that.

"Better, yeah. The new album releases next week and then we'll see but I'm doing better. It was a really good outlet for some songs if nothing else. I-"

"Can you just shhh for a second?" He cuts me off but the way he's staring at me makes the snarky reply disappear and I trail off.


He suddenly grabs my face in between his hands and slams his lips to mine.

I let my eyes slip closed and he sighs into the kiss.

"Tell me you didn't miss that." He knows I can't. "So, what now?" He asks.

"I planned what I would say to you but now I can't remember what it was."

"Maybe you should start by cleaning up the coffee you spilled." Geoff jokes but Harry sometimes doesn't understand sarcasm.

"Yeah, yeah. I got it." I say and grab the rag from the counter bending down but Harry grabs my arm and pulls me back up.

"You're just going to let him talk to you like that?" He looks up at Geoff. "That's my girlfriend mate."

I yank my arm from his grip. "He was messing with me. I spilled it. I'll clean it up."

I finish and set the cloth down.

"Come on." Harry takes my hand and pulls me out of the restaurant.

"Wait." He sighs.


"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." He answers as if that's enough.

"No, that's not a good enough answer. Harry, you told everyone my secret. You lost my trust." I say harshly.

"You trusted me just fine when you were screaming in your sleep." He counters.

"I promised I wouldn't find someone else. I should've made you do the same!" I start to walk away but he grabs my arm and when I turn to get out of his grip he grabs my other one.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your stupid girlfriend! Stop acting like you missed me, like you love me when you had a stupid other rebound girl and went out on a drinking binge!"

He stops and gets a confuse look on his face. "She's- she's not my girlfriend. She was my new bodyguard that after a week I fired. I had one public outing with her. One. And then I told her that I couldn't pretend to be in love with her when I was hopelessly in love with someone that I couldn't have."

He finishes and takes a breath in.

"Tell me you haven't slept with one other woman in the last month."

"I haven't." He answers and for some stupid reason I believe him.

Because what else am I supposed to do? "Please, please, please give me a second chance."

"The drinking?"

"To forget the days I had to go without you." I sock him right in the arm and he flinches. "I deserved that... If it's any consolation the boys have really missed you too."

He leans down the few inches to get to eye level with me. "Please give me a second chance. Blake, will you go out with me... For the second time?"


Guys, I just wrote the last chapter.









Don't ask.




Lug you!!!

Luff you!!!


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