Chapter 55

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I quickly cover up with a snicker.

"Nope. Sometimes, with the distance I thought it'd be easier but when someone means a lot the distance means little. And now, going on tour with them we won't be away for so long. I mean, there are a ton of rumors. Liam and I burned to death in a club one time." She laugh. "We didn't even go out."

"So, you and Harry are indeed an item?" A picture of us comes up on the screen.

"The curls are all mine." The audience boos. "Maybe we can share him." I give in trying to please the crowd.

"So, you got to meet someone pretty special yesterday, am I right?" She asks expectantly.

"Yeah, I met Ed Sheeran who I've loved for a really long time. And Harry's good friends with him so, that was really cool." My twitter picture comes up and I smile.

"And you got a tattoo?" I nod and hold up my arm.

"Yeah, yesterday. It's a quote from someone really special to me and it means a lot. Ed did it. He's done a lot if Harry's tattoos so I trusted him. I'm pleased with it." Ellen nods.

"I love it. What's at the end?" The star.

"It's a star. One point for each boy in One Direction. Harry's star on his arm is for the same meaning and well, that's where I am in my life right now."

"Is Harry that kind of boyfriend? Like the sweet, do stuff for you kind of guy?" I hate these questions.

Acting all girly.

"Yeah, he is. He bought me a guitar for tour. And he's really persistent. So, even if I tell him I don't want something he still buys it for me." That's kind of untrue but, most of my life is a lie right now.

I'm confused! Leave me alone!

"I wouldn't complain." She says and everyone laughs.

"No, I'm not trying to be ungrateful but sometimes it can come off like I'm using him and that's not it at all. But he does sweet things."

"Do you wear his clothes?" Multiple pictures come up of me in various sweatshirts, hats, and tops of his.

"I think that answers that."

"Does he like it?"

"Yeah, he thinks it's sexy." I joke.

"So, does he wear your clothes then?" I'm nearly in stitches. Ellen's so easy to talk to. If you're caught up on a question she cracks a joke and relieves your nerves, taking over completely. "Okay, we have to take a break and then Blake will preform and Bradley Cooper will talk about working with J.J. Abrams and his first show, Alias!"

"Clear!" The director, Andy calls to the crew.

"You're hilarious." I laugh to her.

"Thank you. You're so real. And you seem to set up the jokes for me. Makes my job a lot easier. You're so real."

Oh, if only you knew. Yep. Real. That's the word that describes me.

Real. If only.

I wish I could just really date Harry.

If only it was as simple as that.

"You'd better get ready." She says, pointing to Niall beckoning me to the stage.

"Are you sure?" He asks me. I nod.

"Yeah, I need to show people that I don't need to rely on one of you." Niall gives me a look.

"That could mean a couple of things." He gives me a good luck Horan hug and retreats backstage.

I go sit on the stool in the middle of the stage and a stagehand plugs in Jeffrey. "Two minutes!" Andy calls and the hype guy comes out to get the audience excited.

A microphone is placed in front of me and I close my eyes and look to the floor. "1 minute!"

I can do this.

I can do this.

I know these songs backwards and forwards.

Everyone gets so loud and I'm freaking out. I can't hear anything or focus.

I motion to the guy on the side and he runs over. "I changed my mind about the ears." He just nods, on autopilot and helps me as quickly as possible while Ellen introduces me.

She stalls until I'm ready and I grin to the acoustic drummer sitting on the box next to me, who gives me a thumbs up in return.

I can hear Ellen say, "Lets welcome Blake Sheldon singing her cover of Fix You and The Scientist!" The crowd cheers and I start playing softly.

-Lights will guide you home.

And ignite your bones.

I will try to fix you.

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry Don't know how lovely you are.

I need to find you, ask you my questions, oh, lets go back to the start.- I cringe when I mess up but am determined to keep going.

-Here is the science, coming up tales, lets go back to the start.-

This is suicide now. Everyone's starting to notice. I glance at the drummer and he nods slightly, telling me to keep going.

-lights will guide you home,

And ignite your bones.

I will try to fix you.

Tears stream down your face when you lose something you can't replace.

Tears stream down your face and I will try to fix you.- I'm butchering it. But I still don't stop. If I stop then there's no chance. If I'm going down, I'm going down hard.

-when you try so hard but you don't succeed.

When you get what you want but not what you need.

When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep.

Stuck in reverse.

Tears stream down your face, when you lose something you cannot replace.

Tears stream down your face.

I will fix you-

I finish the son almost out of breath and the crowd erupts. I know it's just because the Applause sign is flashing.

Because I messed up on national television and everyone saw it.

Harry saw it.

Good. Now I won't have to not fall I love with him.

Now he'll be dissapointed. See me like a really am.

A failure. A mistake.


Sorry it's short.

I'll upload again today for you.


Blake is in distress.

So girly. :/

Okay, we'll talk in a couple of hours.

I'd anyone watch the voice last night?

I did. Lol.

Nashville is a state. Usher's the best.

But I'm #TeamAdam.

And we can all be #TeamRick




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