Chapter 74

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Chapter 76

I strum and start The A-Team.

The crowd immediately starts singing with me and I smile at the reaction so far. They seem to like me.

-and they say she's in the class A-Team

stuck in her day dream.

Been this way since 18

but lately her face seems

slowly sinking wasting

crumbling like pastries and they scream

The worst this in life come free to us-

I stop playing and put my arms out t the audience backing off the mic and yelling with them.

-cause we're all under the upper hand.

Going mad for a couple grams.

We don't want to go outside tonight.

I'm a pipe we'll fly to the motherland.

Or sell love to another man.

It's too cold for angels to fly-

I finish the song and the crowd erupts.

"How's it going tonight in this lovely English rain?" I joke and everyone cheers.

"I'm from America. It doesn't rain this much in America." A soft scream echoes from the blackness. "America? Really? Anyone here from America?" I get a few strays and smile. "Sweet. Well, I know why you're all here. To see some kind of band or something." They all scream, "One Direction!!!!!"

"Oh right, that New Direction." They all laugh and I continue. "But you'll have to put up with me first. Think you can do that?" The cheer although they'd cheer no matter what I said. "Then lets get this party started!"


"Twitter questions!" Louis is skipping around the stage and Niall is eating something a fan gave him. I want to say its lasagna but I'm not sure.

"This is from Lois in section 14." A scream comes from the back and they all wave to her.

"And she wants to know who is beautiful but doesn't know it?" Liam finishes and makes his thinking face.

"Blake!" Zayn and Louis yell at the same time.

"No guys. I know I'm beautiful. I'm freaking gorgeous." I say sarcastically and flip my hair dramatically.

We all laugh along with the crowd.

"Demi Lovato." Niall says.

"Awwww. Little Nialler's got a crush." I tease and see Harry watching me.

"I think I'm going to say Blake as well." Harry says and I blush.

"Awww. Look, she's blushing." Louis points out and pinches my cheeks.

"No I'm not." I say covering my face.

Harry kisses my cheek and grabs my hand.

"Where is Zayn?" Harry asks.

I look around and see he's disappeared.

I now start laughing uncontrollably and someone has to bring me water. "It's a Directioner thing. You wouldn't understand." I tell the boys and the fans go crazy.

"What's the best and worst thing about having Blake on tour with you?" Niall reads and they all watch me.

"All these questions are about me. I feel so special."

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