Chapter 25 The Great Escape Part 1

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As they arrive at the orphanage, the door is locked.

Cain: Geez, I thought we would at least be able to get in! Maybe if we take a screwdriver to the hinges...

Just then, a noise is heard from the inside, and the door is unlocked.

Cain: Wait, that just opened?

Shelly: R-really?

Cain: It wouldn't budge for us at all... All right, team, let's move!

Before entering, Ash can hear the loud yelling from Heather and Dr. Sigmund Connal.

Heather: What are you doing, you stupid creep?! Let go of me already!

Sigmund: The subject lashes out with verbal and physical aggression, and refuses to listen to either instruction or reason. Let's begin an initial treatment at 100 volts.

Heather: Do you really think you can get away with this, you dirty old man!?

Sigmund: Ah- she scratched me. Restrain her. And make that 110 volts instead. Now, Heather, just hold still. You might feel a little shock...

Ash hears Heather screaming in pain, and he is very furious, nobody will hurt his new family and gets away with this.

Anna: Hi again! I saw Ash's glowiness through the wall, so I unlocked the door~

Cain: "Glowiness"?

Anna: Ash glows! It's amazing! (Turns to Cain) Hi, I'm Anna! Nice to meet you!

Cain: Haha, heyyy. I'm Cain. You're pretty peppy~

Noel: (Sighs) She always is. And always when it's least appropriate.

Anna: But that's when it's most necessary!

Charlotte: (Also comes) So, like, why are you guys here? Is it about the girl that was just brought in? She was kicking and screaming the whole way. Not that that's unusual.

Ash: Our family has already adopted her, but the doctor wants to see the proof or else he will be keeping her, so we're here to save her.

Cain: Yeah, it's a prison break~ You guys wanna come?

Charlotte: Are you kidding? I was halfway out the door by the time you said 'prison break'. Metaphorically, if nothing else.

Shelly: W-well... we're not leaving without Heather!

Charlotte: Course you aren't. 'Sides, it's only a matter of seconds until the orderlies crash the party and toss you out.

Noel: Our Pokémon were confiscated, so we can't help.

Charlotte: Not with that attitude. I bet I can hold a few of them up for you. But if you don't come back for me, heads are gonna roll. Deal?

Ash: (Likes the girl's attitude) Deal.

Anna: Charlotte, what are you doing?

Charlotte: Creating a diversion. (Rushes into the backroom) Hey. Hey, assholes. Give me my cigarettes.

Orderly: You know we can't do that, Charlotte.

Charlotte: Sure you can. You have the keys. Just go and get them.

Orderly: Charlotte, we're going to have to ask you to calm down and drop this.

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