Chapter 108 Agate City Gym Battle

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After running around, Ash manages to learn from the citizens that Lin has gone underwater, after chasing her, they finally find her in a room with some giant gears.

Lin: I see. So the gaggle above has already broken apart. And the power source we sought was never there, to begin with. All this time, they were looking for something that could never have been found. And they destroyed themselves over it.

She suddenly gives a big laugh, much to Ash's confusion, but Lin also notices Ash and turns to him.

Lin: Hey. Don't you think it's funny? Don't you think it's funny ...How easily people break? Everyone in the world wears a stone face. Underneath, they swear they're solid gold. Hearts of crystal, souls of steel... But no matter their face, everyone has nothing. You take something away. Their home. Their love. Their breath. And they just fall to pieces. We are made of nothing. And surely it would take an act of God to create something from nothing. Life is unfair like that.

Lin then takes the gears and leaves the place, much to Ash's confusion, but he still has to chase after her as they get back to the surface, Serena, Lillie, Shelly, Samson, and Ciel are already confronting Lin.

Ciel: Now, now! You can't possibly leave until the show is rightfully over!

Samson: While you're at it, how about you hand over whatever that big stone business is.

Lin: Who makes demands with their cheek on the ground? All the souls in this world insist on mercy. But there is none. The world stage does not belong to you alone.

Ciel: I do hope you don't intend to take the moral high ground after everything you've done.

Lin: Morals are only lies we choose to believe in for our own comfort. Such fictions have no bearing on this world. All that matters is control. Who can make the other man bow? Who can make the other one kneel? Who can make the other disappear? And who can bring them back?

Just then, much to their surprise, Lin has sent out a Gardevoir.

Lin: What is lost can yet be found. What is found can be extorted. What's extorted is forgotten. What's forgotten is your place.

Ash widens his eyes as the Gardevoir is going to create the black hole just like what his father's Gardevoir did, and when it tries to absorb Ciel, Samson pushes her out of the way, causing him to get sucked into the black hole, much to their horror.

Ciel: No, what are you- (Black Hole disappears) What... happened? Where did he go? (Angrily yells at Lin) What did you do with Samson?!

Lin: Why should the sun care if the stars go out? It is still the center of its own world, unable to see past its own sheen. Shield your eyes, or burn them out. It makes no difference. (Leaves)

Shelly: (Frowns) Huh...? Again...?

Ciel: (Cries) Of course I care...

Shelly: Another black hole? That Gardevoir... It's just like with Cain...

Ciel: Even if it wasn't how he wanted- Even if I couldn't say it- And just what does she know?!

Shelly: Why did it listen to her? Why couldn't we do anything, again? Did I do something wrong asking for help stopping her?

Ciel: No... There was nothing we could do, but you weren't wrong to ask us... As always, I just wasn't enough... I've never been- This is... disgraceful. I should go. (Leaves)

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