Chapter 33

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Songs for this chapter:

Heart Out by The 1975

Gasoline by Troy Sivan

Me by The 1975

I watched Harry's eyes transform into angry and confusion. No this was such a bad idea. He wasn't suppose to know, I don't want anyone to know. Shit, I don't even want to know. I shook my head mentally trying to tell him that what ever he is thinking it's not true. But I guess my eyes really wasn't as convincing as I wanted them to be.

"Yaz" Harry whispered lightly reaching out for me. I hated it and was quite offended at the way he was starting at me. Like he felt sorry for me.

"No Harry" I whimpered pushing his arms away from me. I'm burning for his hug, but not the sympathetic look behind his beautiful eyes.

"Tell me it's not true"his eyes met mine, pleading for me to distinguish his repulsive thoughts.

"I- I " I chocked looking away from him. I heard him sigh. His voice shaky as he begin to speak.

"Come on let's take you home" he mumbled heading back to his car.

"I can't go home like this" I stopped him in his tracks gesturing to my body. My mom will flip some shit if she saw me like this. She would pester me with so many questions and I don't have enough patience for all that shit. Harry turned around his cheeks and nose was pink from the weather... well I hope.

"Then I'll take you to mine" he spoke still waking towards his car. I sighed giving up and just followed him.

He opened the door for me helping me in. I told him numerous of time I got it but he just stayed quite and helped me anyway. We started driving down the road and his silence was scaring me. I'd rather him yelling at me for being so stupid and giving my trust to people that don't deserve it.

"Say something, anything" I pleaded when we were about 20 minutes into the drive. I looked over at him. He was frowning looking at the road ahead of him.

"I don't know what to say Yaz" he shook his head not looking at me. I sighed looking forward.

"I know it's all my fault" I mumbled putting my head against the window. Harry shocked me by stomping the breaks. Hard.

He looked over at me, mouth agape staring at me.

"Why would you say some shit like that Yazmin" he breathed. I knew I made him mad he doesn't usually curse, plus he called me my full name. I took a deep breath trying to figure out why he's mad. It is my fault. Why doesn't he get that? I was going to speak but he beat me to it.

"Whatever that happened to you, wasn't your fault, and I don't want to ever hear that come out of your mouth" he frowned continuing to drive. I just shook my head looking out the window. It amazes me how he knows what's wrong with me without me even having to mention it.

It was silent for awhile before he finally spoke.

"I know what he did too you and he's going to pay" he blurted out. I looking over at him confused. He is definitely not going to get into this shit, thats for damn sure.

"Don't be stupid Harry" I rolled my eyes. I heard him let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Why is this not a big deal to you. He raped you for crying out loud! Do you have any self respect for yourself! He argued gripping the steering wheel. What he doesn't know that it was him and his friend, which is something I won't even mention. Seeing how he is now, he would flip his shit.

"Don't Harry don't get into this, I just don't want to have anything to do with this" I tried to persuade him. He looked over at me like I had grown two heads.

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