Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

I watched as they went out the door Yaz really has a really nice bum she turned around looking like a red tomato shaking her head realizing I was checking her out.

I closed the door as I saw Jaylay jumping on the couch

"Jaylay do your sister and your mum let you jump on the couch"

"NO BUT THEY DONT BE HERE MOST OF THE TIME SO I DO IT ANY WAY" Jay yelled still jumping up and down.

"uh.. I think you should stop jumping before you break something" as you can see I'm not really good at this kind of stuff but I like kids so its all good.

"fine" Jay mumbled calm and stared at the wall.

"you okay jay" I asked he was just find a minute ago. He didn't answer me just sat there quite.

"you no you can talk about it Jay" I said patting him on the shoulder

"They don't care about me" he said in almost a whisper but I still could hear

"why would you say that of course they care about you"


Jaylay was on the rage of crying as I pulled him into a hug.

"Yazmin never be here she's always with her stupid boyfriend, and mum always at work no one has time for me" Jay spoke hiccupping through his tears.

I'm sure your mum would love too spend time with you she just needs to work to take care of you and your sister"

"okay then what about Yazmin she only has time for her stupid boyfriend" Jay said looking up at me waiting for me to answer. To be honest I didn't have a reason for that.

"you don't like Yazmin boyfriend" I asked looking at the red eyed boy that was in my arms

"no he's a jerk"

"huh how's he's a jerk"

"he just is when you see him more you'll get the Idea" Jay said

" ermm...alright I think its time for lunch what do you want to eat"

"LETS MAKE COOKIES" Jay said running down the hall.

Yazmin's POV

Something told me to look back and I did HARRY WAS CHECKING OUT MY BUM! that little pervert I looked down as he noticed me staring. Thank god Khelo didn't realize out he would kill Harry.

"so where you wanna go we still got like 5 hours to the party"

"Its doesn't matter" I shrugged knowing what he had in mind.

"okay how bout my place" Khelo say shutting the car door.


The car ride was filled with loud music and us too laughing.

"we are here "Khelo say turning off the car still laughing about my momma jokes.

He was struggling to open the door once we got in he pushed me on the wall.

"well hello there" I smirked putting my hands in his hair.

"hi" Khelo spoke, I could see his eyes dilate into lust as he begin to kiss me rough and hard just how I liked it.

"how bout we head up to my room" Khelo asked while still kissing me.

"sounds like a plan" I smirked pushing him off me grabbing his hand and leading him to the bedroom.

Hope you guys like it sorry its a little boring it would start getting more awesome when you keep reading PLEASE COMMENT VOTE .

see ya later alligator ;)

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