Chapter 11

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I couldnt believe my eyes was that really Harry with a girl. I don't know why this bothered me it just did I felt almost wanting to cry, and this scared the hell out of me. Why am I always crying I hate it. I quickly catched the tear before anyone could notice it. 

The movie started to play and Niall and Katie was back. I sat next to Lou, Zayn and Liam beside him while Niall and Katie are on my right side. I cant believe nobody had noticed Harry was here. Its not hard to see his big head of curls. Ugh stupid big head ,I just want to rip it  off.  

Zayn looked over at me with a worried expression. He probably could tell something was wrong with me. I cooley tried to act like nothing was wrong with me. He hastily looked away and back at the movie.

I couldn't even pay attention to the movie no matter how hard I tried. My eyes were just glued on Harry and his "date". I hate this feeling that's in the pit of my stomach it made me feel sick. I glanced at the movie and something popped up making me jump and the rest of us. I glared down at Harry and "It" having "its" head in the crook of Harry's neck. I felt like I couldn't breathe, I needed some fresh air and a smoke.

"Guys I'll be r-right back I-I uh have to use the uh... bathroom" I stammered getting out of my seat quickly when I heard numerous okay's and alights.

When I got out side I breathed in the fresh air and sat down on a bench. I cant believe Harry got me so worked up. At the same time I wanted to stab him with a fork. But then I wanted to kiss him tell I saw stars. Is that weird?

I sat there for a couple of moment before I pulled out one of my cigs and popped one into my mouth searching for a lighter, but I couldn't find one.Shit.

"Looking for this" I heard a voice say behind me. I quickly looked behind me seeing Zayn stand there with my lighter.

"Yes thank god" I grabbed the lighter from his hand and lighted my cig. I let the spoke feel my lungs as I exhaled slowly. God this feel so good. I noticed Zayn still standing there. He pulled out one of his cigs and lit it up, making an O with his lips the smoke fell out as an O shaped. I watched in awe.

"Dude you got to show me how to do that" I smiled looking at my cig that's between my middle and index finger. I heard Zayn chuckle and nod his head.

"I didn't know you smoked" Zayn questioned frowning his eyebrows in confusion.

"I didn't know you smoked neither" I sassed back. Zayn let out a small laugh before putting out his cig with his foot.

"Hey how did you get my lighter" I asked taking another hit of my cig.

"It fell when you got up and went to the "bathroom" Zayn say sitting on the bench beside me and air quoting the word bathroom.


"So why did you leave was it because of Harry and that girl" Zayn asked. So he did notice Harry's appearance.

"Pff no I can care less" I scoffed.

''Sure" Zayn smirked. He could tell I was lying.

"Its j-just I-I ugh" I ran my hands through my hair in frustration.

"Well that explains alot"Zayn chuckled earning a glare from me. What's so funny? 

"I know it has to do with Harry" Zayn mumbled. I rolled my eyes how do he know this am I really that obvious?

"How do you know" I asked.

"The other day when you yelled at Harry for some reason then you stomped upstairs. What was that all about" Zayn claimed.

"He pissed me off" I mumbled looking down at my feet. I didn't want to have this conversation with Zayn I don't even know him well.

"Why did he piss you off" Zayn tickled me from me sides.

"Your a nosey little thing aren't you" I laughed now looking at him.

"Just tell me or I wont stop" Zayn chuckled.

"F-fine I'll t-tell you just s-stop" I breathed and he finally stoped waiting for me to explain. I put out my cig with my foot. I could tell Zayn he seems like a nice person. So why Not?

"Okay well the last past days he's been ignoring me for some reason I don't even know why" I say.

Zayn nodded his head for me to continue.

"Then that day when you guys were over. He said can we talk and called me stubborn when I didn't want to talk to him. But why should I he's been an asshole to me" I finished. Zayn was quiet for a couple of seconds then finally spoke.

"Why did he get you so mad when he ignored you" Zayn whispered looking into my eyes with concern. His question caught me off guard. Why would he ask me that? I wanted to tell him. I mean I told him everything else. So I guess this wouldn't matter. Besides he looked so concerned and I felt safe.

"Well my father left us when I was about 9 and I felt alone and neglacted" I paused for a moment when I felt Zayn rubbing my back so I could go on.

"I hate feeling like someone hates me and ignores me.It hurts you know?" I felt like I was going to cry. Zayn pulled me into a hug whipering its okay's, and for some reason I felt safe in Zayn's arms.


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