Chapter 38

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Songs for this chapter:
How to save a life by The Fray
You found me by The Fray


I mad so fucking mad. The audacity of that motherfucker. How could he do that to her. I already wanted to bash his head into a wall when he took her innocence,but really a fucking video? I can't even think straight, or fucking see. I try to take deep breathes as I drive down the road to this assholes house.

My fingers are itching to punch his face in. I grip on the steering will to ease the itch, but nothing seems to help. As I pull up to his piece of a shit house it's basically cars everywhere. I knew it would be people over here. We always had party's when we were younger. I think it was a way for him to fill the void in his empty fucking life.

I took a deep breathe before getting out of my car. I was to mad that I didn't even notice I slammed the door. I walked up his stairs noticing familiar faces, the same low life's when I was their friend.

"Harry hey men, it's been a while" John is what I think his name is greeted me. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Yea, seen Zodie around" I spoke low to cover my anger.

"Upstairs man" he slurred smoking his joint. I walked past him, already getting a headache of the smell. The house was filthy as always. Cups laying around, trash fucking everywhere. It was probably another party last night. I walked up stairs trying not to fall over the trash.  I walked to his room, my anger seeming to get worse than it already is.

I didn't bother knocking as I opened his door. He sat there laying down on his phone as he looked up at me with a smug smile. He sighed before sitting his phone down by his side.

"I was expecting you, I'm guessing she told you what we did to her" he smiled crossing his arms crossing before continuing.

"What do you mean we" I crossed my eye brows wanting to beat him to a plum so bad. I wanted to wipe that smirk off of his face. And so I did.

"You piece of shit!" I yelled punching his face. My knuckles were so sore, but I didn't care it felt just as good causing him pain. My mind thought back to yazmin, her lying there vulnerable as he violated her. It makes me even more  mad that it wasn't just him but another person involved.

"Get the fuck over it man she was begging for it" he yelled pushing me.

"Fuck you, you fucking rapped her" I yelled punching him in the stomach.

"Come the fuck down" he yelled. I didn't think at all after that, my mind just went blank and all I saw was red.

I couldn't here his whimpers in screams, but I knew he was making them as his mouth opened in closed, it was as if he was mute. He got a good punch to my nose knocking me down to the floor. I pushed him off me, and started to punch him. I don't know how long I was causing damage to his face when I felt someone grab me, that's when I felt the sound come back to my ears.

"Dude Harry, what the fuck man" John pulled me off. I looked down at Zodie, his face a bloody mess, but he deserved it, I jump back at him trying to get another hit, but was pulled back by the people in the room.

I looked over at John, my mind seeming to snap back to what Zodie said. I know that John was his best bud, so it only makes sense if he was in on it too.

"You sick fuck" I yelled punching him in the face. I couldn't even get 3 punches as some pulled me off. Every one in the house was now watching me, staring like I'm the monster.

"Fuck all of you, your all low life's" I screamed causing people to jump and stare at me with confusion, even John as he held his jaw as blood came out of his teeth.I walked out going down stairs to my car. I sat there for a moment wanting to cry and scream at the same time. I felt hot as if I was on fire.

I pushed my hair back, taking deep breathes so I don't explode. I tried to wipe off the try blood on my nose, and the blood on my eye brow but it only mad it hurt worse.

My hands were bleeding and I couldn't help but wince at the pain as I turned the steering wheel. I was contemplating on going back to Yaz house, but I knew I had to sense I had to babysit her brother today.

I knew that she would be mad at me, but I care though they deserved that. I sighed before going up her stairs to her door. I don't know how long I was gone, but when Yaz answered the door I knew I was gone for a while. She looked so frantic and scared as she pulled me into the house.

"Harry it's fucking 4 and you left at 12" she tried not to raise her voice as jay layed on the couch fast asleep.

" I have been so worried about you, is that blood" she looked to my nose then to my eye brow. I looked away knowing the disappointing look is coming.

"Please don't tell me" she started

" I'm fine" I cut her off, walking away from her.

"Harry" she whispered grabbing my hand, I hissed as she held it before looking down.

"Oh my god, no Harry" she mumbled grabbing my arm and  led me upstairs to her bathroom. I stood there awkwardly as she pulled out cotton balls and peroxide. She grabbed my hand not caring if I wince or not.

"Shut up" she snapped rubbing the peroxide on my hand with a cotton ball. I thought back to when she did this before.

"You shouldn't have been fighting" she sassed shaking her head. I looked at her face, her wounds were coming much better. Her eyes were light, but deeply worried. Her teeth biting her bottom lip as she concentrated on cleaning my blood.

"They deserved it" I told her looking at her eyes, her face soften before looking back down at my hand.

"Stop fighting boys for me" she joked making the mood a little lighter, but I was dead serious.

"I'll always fight for you Yaz" I reassured her.

-A R T I E

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