Chapter 15

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Harry P.O.V

"Why the fuck are you here" He asked giving me a glare.

"I could say the same thing to you" I scowled looking him up and down. God I don't like him what so every, why is he even at Yazmins house, hell why is he even breathing? What a waste of oxygen.

"Your fly is down dumb-ass" I pointed out. He smirked and zipped it up.

"My bad" He was wearing an stupid smug smirk like I should be jealous of something. Anyway shoving past him I walked inside ignoring his stupid remarks of how my hair is to curly and it makes me look gay. Whatever the girls loves them I thought smiling to myself. I looked around her living room and the smell was heavy it was giving me a headache, it had to be the smell of... weed.

Yazmin P.O.V

"Khelo can you get that for me" I called out as I was walking up the stairs. Every thing looked blurry as I counted each step I was going up, laughing at my ridiculous actions I finally reached my bathroom. Looking in the mirror I looked more terrible than I did before. My eyes were blood shot, it literally looked like I was a bomb on the street that had many issues she needed to sort out about her self. Or maybe that's just me? I freshened up cleaning my face and putting on a different shirt since this one reeked with weed.

Walking slowly down the hall my vision improved a little bit. I looked over the staircase to see if Khelo is still here which he wasn't, instead I saw... Harry? Rubbing my eyes I narrowed my eyes at the tall figure to see if its really Harry.

"Harry?" I mumbled. He turned around looking at me with disappointment written all over his beautif- I mean stupid face.

"Yaz why was he over here, and why does this house smell like weed" He questioned as I rolled my eyes at him walking downstairs into the kitchen. He obvious followed  and still pestered me with questions.

"Were you smoking?" He asked grabbing my arm and spinning me around.

"Don't touch me dip shit I don't know where your hands been" I mocked him. I probably sound like a five year old scared of cooties, I blame it on the weed.

"Yes I fucking smoked why does it matter" I narrowed my eyes at him snatching my arm away, to get a glass of water. Putting the glass to my mouth I looked up seeing Harry narrow his eyes at my lips curiosity is all I see in his green orbs.

"Did you... did you" Harry stammered from the looks of it, it looked like he was solving a puzzle,as he tilted his head. I saw something in  his  eyes that I couldn't really place a finger on. Till his face formed into a frown. It was definitely anger.

"D-d-did you give Khelo head" My eyes literally went out my sockets, how the hell does he know that, putting the glass on the counter  I gradually looked up at the tall figure infront of me.

"What gives you that crazy idea" I mumbled tucking my hair behind my ear as I looked down at the ground again . I bet my cheeks were flushed with pink. God I'm so embarrassed.

"When Khelo answered the door his zipper was down" Harry begin.

"a-and your lips are swollen and pink" he groaned I could see his jaw clinch as he stared down at me.

"Yea so what" I mumbled looking away from his heated gaze.

"So what? So what! I thought you were done with him and his shit! Harry voice boomed through the kitchen making me back up till I hit the counter. I didn't like how Harry was staring at me. Its like I made him disgusted.

"It doesn't matter Harry just go" I murmured keeping my head down.

"The weed! Oh my god did you seriously suck his dick for weed!" Harry yelled walking towards me. I never felt so belittled in my life, and the way he was looking at me made me want to curl up into a ball. Gaining some confidence I looked up at him. His eyebrows knitted together in confusion and anger.

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