Chapter 2

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I opened the door looking up at a very tall in slim  boy wearing all black including a black beanie with his curls desperately trying to escape .... well at least that's what it looked like.

"uh um enjoying the view " The very tall boy cleared his throat clearly aware of me checking him out.

"I-I don't know what your taking about" looking up in his eyes i froze.

 "I'm Harry what is your name my love" Harry stretched his hand out.

"Y-Yazmin I tryed not to stutter shaking his hand.

"Thats a pretty name" Harry said looking into my eyes.

Okay weird i thought.

"YAZMIN LOOK IM A BEE ZZZZZZZ" Jaylay said with a jar of honey, and honey all over his face from the biscuit he just ate.

"NOOOOO Jaylay do- " before I could finish my sentence Jaylay put the honey in my hair. Harry just stood there laughing.

"This is not funny Harry this is the forth time he's done this do you know how hard it is to get this out of hair".

Harry just shrugged trying not to laugh while Jaylay pulled his arm dragging him down the hall.

"Were are you guys going" .

"I'm going to show Harry my gum collection on my wall !" Jaylay said jumping up and down.

 "Gross" I mumbled touching the honey that was so sticky on my head.

"You should wash your hair ill take care of your brother" Harry told me walking down the hall.

Nodding I started walking up the stairs, well that's a first Jaylay shows him his disgusting gum collection, he must really like Harry which is surprising to me because Jaylay never likes his babysitters.

Washing my hair for about the 7th time I was finally done, drying off my hair heard my  phone vibrated. 

Boyfriend: Hey babe just wondering are you up for tonight its gonna be a party heard its gonna be siiiick!!!

Me: Ya know I'm down babe what time?

Boyfriend: About 8 but i can pick you up now so we can hang ;)

Me: Alright babe see you in a little while xx :)

Boyfriend: Mkay ill be there in 20 see ya soon :)

I grabbed some clothes for tonight since I'm know I'm not going to be back tell the next morning. While I was walking down the stairs I saw Harry and Jay watching T.V.

"Looks like you got the honey out of your hair" Harry smiled trying not to laugh.

"No duh is Jay sleeping".

"Yep like a baby he's a nice kid" Harry spoke patting Jay's head.

"Yeah wait till you get to know him more we went to about 7 babysitter in two weeks"

"That's alot" Harry frowned looking down at Jay.

"YEP" I said popping the p.Passing the couch they were on I went in the kitchen to get a class of water. 

Harry Pov


Well that's rude I thought who bangs on the door like that.

"I got it" I spoke getting up.

"who is that" Jay say in a sleepy voice rubbing his eyes.

"Ill see bud" I told him taking his head off my lap.

"Hey is Yazmin here"

" Yeah" I mumbled looking a little confused the dude looked well lets just say "bad ass".

"BABBEEE" Yazmin yelled running out to the very strange dude.

"Hey babe ready to go".

This cant be her boyfriend I thought to my self I mean Yazmin is a very fit girl, why would she be with this dude, wait did I just say Yazmin is fit , no get it together Haz you don't like her.

"Hum Harry this is Khelo my boyfriend and, Khelo this is Harry Jay's new babysitter" Yazmin said breaking my thoughts

Khelo took his hands out his pockets attempting to shake my hand. I smile awkwardly shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you" Khelo spoke bitterly.

"Same to you" I fired back a little bit to cold then I attended.

"Well Harry I'll be back tomorrow or a little bit later but if I'm not my mum would be home around 10 or 10:30" Yazmin told me grabbing her bags.

"Okay I guess I'll see ya later then" I spoke scratching the back of my neck.

"See ya soon" Yazmin smiled taking his hand with that they were gone.

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